View Full Version : Something in my throat???? Freaking out!

27-01-15, 03:41
So last summer I had this awful feeling like something was stuck in my throat. I would cough and cough with no relief! This went on for about 2 weeks or so and eventually went away out of nowhere. Now all of a sudden the strange feeling is back! ITs been happening for about 3 days now. It's constant but feels bigger/smaller at different times. And this time around the feeling is literally making me feel sick to my stomach! Has anyone had this and is it something I should worry about?!?! I am terrified of doctors but will go if I absolutely think I should!

Thanks !

27-01-15, 08:57
It could be mucus getting stuck. The nausea could be from anxiety but also excess mucus. Definitely go see GP, it will put your mind at ease when you do x

27-01-15, 12:02
Yes seeing your GP is a good idea but just to let you know, most of us have the exact same feeling. It's a very common anxiety symptom, mine is there for about 4 months, it's like a phlegm stuck in my throat, it's better in the mornings and when I eat, it gets worse throughout the day. It's called globus sensation.

01-01-17, 22:26
Very classic anxiety symptom. There are worse ones. Last year, I went to the ER because I literally could not draw in a full breath of air. It was like my lungs would only fill halfway. I could not get a deep breath, and was terrified that I was suffocating, that I had lung cancer, something.
They x-rayed my lungs, and I happened to see the slide (upside down, and only for a second). I saw a large, dark, shadowy mass covering nearly half of one of my lungs. I asked the xray tech about it. She said, "The doctor will review the film and come talk to you."
I lay there for an hour KNOWING I had a giant tumor in my lung. I had seen it. It was over. I was dying.

Finally the doctor came in and said that my lungs were fine, and my symptoms were due to severe anxiety. The tightness in my chest muscles was compressing my lungs, making it difficult for me to get a deep breath.
I asked about the "tumor", the shadowy mass I had seen on the film.
He laughed and said it was my heart.
I started to laugh, and suddenly... I could breathe.

Living with HA is hell, but I have never lost my sense of silliness, and at odd times it breaks through, and just washes all this fear and sadness away, like the sun breaking through the clouds. If I ever lose my ability to laugh, I hope I will die that day, because there will truly be nothing to live for.

Panic and anxiety do terrible things to our bodies. Actual, physical things. The more years you live with it, the worse the physical symptoms get.
I hope you find a way out of this cycle. Best wishes. - GP