View Full Version : celebrity sufferers

12-01-07, 03:11

i was wondering if this was only for the unfamous...in an interview the other day helen mirren admitted to suffering panic attacks in her 20s..

also, i hear that tyra banks has admitted to being an ibs sufferer on tv recently....im really glad these ppl are willing to open up about these issues, you never know, it might help all of us in the future...

i dont know if i could cope with international flights, film set and interviews with anxiety...it would be very hard...
i can just hide in my house for ages without anyone the wiser for it

Sue K with 5
12-01-07, 06:42
try reading Stephen Frys biogtaphy he has Bi Polar and in a recent documentary he details how panic and anxiety affected him

I think you will find they just hide it well, it pays to have a publicist I suppose.


piglits pal
12-01-07, 11:22
David Beckham recently admitted to suffering with OCD. Apparently he's obsessive about the way food is put into the refridgerator.

Mental illness has no boundaries.

12-01-07, 11:44

Lots of Celebrities have or do suffer with anxiety,

Take a look at this link.




"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

12-01-07, 13:31

There are loads of celebrities that suffer one way or another, it doesn't surprise me really as they are all just human like the rest us us after all. They also have alot of pressure to deal with, especially from the media etc.

As for Becks, he can come and rearrange my fridge anytime he wants lol.


12-01-07, 13:32
Anxiety and depression with celebrities.
Interviews with Stephen Fry, Winona Ryder and Stan Collymore on fame, fortune and depression

'There is never any logical reason for despair.....'
When depression led Stephen Fry to walk out of the West End play Cell Mates in 1995, he faced the glare of publicity as well as the threat of legal action.
He said later that he had considered suicide and that it was only knowing the hurt he would cause to family and friends that prevented him taking his own life.
'If I was honest, then yes, I was suicidal, absolutely,' he said. 'When you get just a complete sense of blackness or void ahead of you, that somehow the future looks an impossible place to be, and the direction you are going seems to have no purpose, there is this word despair which is a very awful thing to feel.'
Later, after he recovered from his illness he admitted that contemplating suicide had been an 'absurd over-reaction'.
'It is an appalling distortion of self-image,' he said. 'It is like an anorexic who looks in the mirror and says "I am fat". You see them and see a stick insect. But they genuinely see themselves as fat. It is a sort of neurotic distortion. You look at your life and say it is hopeless, when in fact it is not hopeless. You've got friends, enough money to take time to do things, you are far luckier than many people.'
But he added, 'There is never any logical reason for despair. Reason has absolutely nothing to do with it. You can't reason yourself back into cheerfulness any more than you can reason yourself into an extra six inches in height.'
Fry, who later talked about his experiences to publicise the work of The Samaritans, admitted that he had never called them himself because he was afraid they would recognise his voice; instead, he found comfort on the Internet and via email.
Fry, who went into hiding in France and Belgium before seeking psychiatric help in California, explained, 'The Internet side of it was immensely useful because I was travelling about the place and had no other means of getting in touch. I found the mixture of intimacy and anonymity very helpful. I received some extraordinarily encouraging and kind messages from people which made me think again about what I'd been up to and my place in the world at the time.'
The actor and comedian said the pressure of 14 years of non-stop work, coupled with bad reviews, had brought him to a crisis point.
'I had basically taken on too much work. I have pushed the boat out as far as I should in terms of taking on too many things. I'm getting older and I just could not take it any more. I am now monitoring myself very closely and I'm just trying not to get into that sort of state again.
'It was as if I had been in the fast lane without bothering to change oil and with my foot on the accelerator permanently. I was just belting along and various gaskets had to get worn eventually. You convince yourself that you're happy. You say: "I can't be miserable because I'm supposedly successful". But happiness is no respecter of persons.'
Fry left the play Cell Mates after just five performances because he was upset at being panned by critics. 'The reviews would not have affected me so badly if I'd not suspected they were true. I don't know what would have happened if I had carried on performing. You either do something really drastic or turn to the bottle and wander on stage drunk every night.'
He wrote a letter of apology to the playwright and director, Simon Gray, in which he said, 'My confidence is so blown away that I can never tread a stage again.'
Since undergoing therapy and receiving drug treatment for his depression, he has had a string of film successes, including starring as Oscar Wilde in Wilde, and appearing in numerous films for TV and cinema including The Wind In the Willows, Gormenghast, Longitude, Whatever Happened to Harold Smith, and A Civil Action, in which he played opposite John Travolta.

Actress Winona Ryder was determined to bring her latest movie Girl, Interrupted to the screen because it ref

12-01-07, 14:03
I have this theory that many people who end up in show business do so as an escape from a crap childhood. They probably see it as a pretend world where they can act out fantasies and be away from their home town.

And there is a strong correlation between crap childhoods and anxiety.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

12-01-07, 16:37
The comedian Lee Evans said he nearly had a breakdown a few years ago - he had panic attacks and didn't leave the house for 7 months.

12-01-07, 19:42
Barbara Streisand and Jacqueline Bisset have suffered real bad panic attacks and i admire them for forging ahead and not letting it "Beat " them


Pink Lady 999
12-01-07, 22:36
I know!!

More and more famous people are now coming out and saying i suffered from panic attacks!! Not only Helen Mirren, but Katie Price and Peter Andre have both said this along with others!

The more famous peole the better, as maybe it will banish some of the stigma attached to this.

Still people do not understand that we're not crazy or ill, but have a very sophisticated fight or flight system that is always ready to go off!

Shout it loud famous people!!

Pink Lady 999

Pink Lady 999

13-01-07, 16:11
Will Young suffers from panics too and uses Rescue Remedy to help.

Sandra x

13-09-07, 19:35
I learnt today that The White Stripes have had to cancel their tour because Meg White has severe anxiety and can't travel.

Yeah, seems familiar!

14-09-07, 00:31
Yeah, I read about Meg too.

I also read Hell's Kitchen chef Marco Pierre White has/had panic attacks.

14-09-07, 04:46
Nicole Kidman suffers VERY bably from panic/Anxiety:shades:

15-09-07, 12:00
:ohmy: amazing, because you look at these people and think how could they possibly have achieved what they have, and be in the positions they are, and have/be experiencing anxiety/panic at the same time? but they can and do like the rest of us, and still live their lives!!!!

me im a person who has allowed anxiety to almost completely stop my life, but knowing that successful people suffer gives me hope, it means that nobody is immune if you are susceptible to it. so therefore you just have to find ways of dealing with it, and just carry on with your life and still have goals. okay we may never become an actress/rock star/celeb chef, but we can still achieve stuff in our own lives!!!

i am loving hells kitchen, i never watched the last series because personally i dont like gordon foulmouth ramsay, but i luuuurrrrvvv marco pierre white!!! and i love him even more now i know we have something in common!!! he is gorgeous!!!:yesyes: i also like the white stripes and also nicole kidman is one of my fave actresses, isnt that weird?

15-09-07, 16:48
I think we have to consider why we suffer as we do. In many of us, it is because we have some unpleasant stuff lurking in our emotions, and by having a career in the world of arts and/or showbiz, that gives an avenue for emotional escape but sometimes that catches up with them. I think a lot of such people chose such careers as a form of escape.

Many people have panic attacks, but can lead a fairly normal life and so I think we ought to differentiate between such people and those that have the weight interupting their life every day. I heard Britt Ekland interviewed this morning and she mentioned her PA's - she got them before speaking as herself (e.g. a presentation), but not when acting on stage!

16-09-07, 18:11
WOW TYRA BANKS HAS IBS? i wish someone would have told me that before. i thought only nervous, shy kinda ppl got ibs- (me being one of them!) thats made me feel more normal. thanks! wat an interesting post!