View Full Version : I'm having a bad time!!! Anyone here??

12-01-07, 03:46
I am having a super bad night. :( I started with the dull chest pains coming and going, then an irregulat heartbeat. I was on the computer and all of a sudden I felt disoriented and panicked. I had trouble getting a breath and had to get up and walk around the house. I was scared to pass out. My husband works nights and things are always worse at night. I'm in tears because I'm so sick of this. I'm convinced I have heart disease because of the irregular beat with the pains and I'm going to die when there is no one here to help me. I am so sick of this!! I'm still dizzy and my throat is tight. I just need someone to talk to. *tears*

12-01-07, 06:14
hey kimmy,

im here!
that was my night last night!!!
i had some rescue remedy and jumped in the shower, slumped half out of it sitting on the ground of it, and just cried for a while...then i lied down in front of the tv..and played some internet backgammon on the laptop....
i hope you feel better soon, well, im sure you will in the morning...remember, the pannicky feeling is just your mind playing tricks....try to ignore, take deep breaths..

12-01-07, 06:20
Thank you. I am feeling better now. Thankfully my mother called, and even though she is no supportive or understanding I didn't even talk to her about it. It just helped to have someone to talk to.

Hubby is home now, so I feel even better although I still get the occasional chest twinge.

*sigh* It's really sad that we have to live this way isn't it? Sorry you had a bad time of it last night.

12-01-07, 11:04
Kimmie you so sound like me!

I'm a 27 year old male and because of the pains I get really scared.

I too now hate the thoughts of the evenings and tend to get a tight throat at night (globus) so i'm told.

I'm also scared when no one is around !

I don't get out of breath, but do get the pains.

Always remember though the 999 services are only a few minutes away.

I know we can beat this in time. The doctors know what they are doing and if we have had the all clear, we are safer than a lot of people. I'm due back at the GP next week and think they will put me on anxiety or antidepressants, I hope they help! I will also ask for further tests, but am 99% sure i don't need them.

thoughts with you xxxxx

12-01-07, 13:07
Hi Kimmie hope your ok now.I dont think you have a heart problem,sounds like anxiety pet.I can understand things being worse at night being on your own.I hate being on my own at night.Iv had similar problems for about 12 years or more and hey Im still here.!!!!!!!:)

Ellen XX

13-01-07, 15:18
aww sounds like a tough time! i got those kind of symptoms when i got a panick attack...the dizziness is horrible cause you really cant control that it feels like, and i always hated throat tightness because i was scared it was gonna just close up...remember though if you can talk and stuff you can breath, fact, i try humming or singing a little or something sometimes cause then i know i am still able to breath and it takes your mind off the tightness.
