View Full Version : First time poster - sometimes pee smells sweet?

28-01-15, 05:22
Hi, this is my first time posting here, lurked here quite a while and seeing other peoples' threads/responses has eased my own health anxieties a lot, so I'm hoping it can happen again here.
Sometimes I notice my urine smells sweet - but that's the thing, it's only SOMETIMES, and usually after I've been drinking a ton of diet cola. Like, I'll go to a party with tons of food and drink and not use a toilet til much later, or after I see a movie (and no one likes to use the bathroom in the middle, so I've drunk an entire thing of diet soda by the time the credits are over.) I hear it can be a symptom of diabetes, so that's why I'm a little worried. Again, it doesn't even happen that often, only after I drink tons of, well, what I said above, or sometimes after coffee. I think it may have happened after I drank lots of cider at a New Year's Party too, but I can't remember, I was barely conscious when I was in there.

Again, I did hear it's a sign of diabetes...but I don't seem to have the other common symptoms! I'm not excessively thirsty, my bathroom habits are normal, my vision's perfectly fine, I'm not tired or anything... My feet do feel warm and tingly/throbby sometimes, but I think that's just because I'm on my feet so often as part of my job - and again, that's only sometimes too.

I can't afford a doctor right now, have no insurance, so I can't get this looked at straight away, and needles terrify me. My family has a history of diabetes, but I've always been pretty good about my diet and exercise, and my mother didn't have it, nor did my brother and he gorges himself on sweets!

So...tl;dr, sweet-smelling urine after I drink tons of a certain drink. Am I assuming the worst, or is there a harmless explanation? I also drink coffee in the mornings, but throughout my 8-hours shifts at work, I drink water, and it hardly ever smells then.

I really hope there's a simple, harmless explanation...my grandmother died from diabetic complications, my parents kept telling my brother horror stories of what could happen if he didn't stop eating sweets, and yesterday I saw a news story calling diabetes "killer" and that scared me the rest of the night. I can't get myself tested, like I said, and I'm really nervous about this.

28-01-15, 06:44
You'll find a zillion websites accusing the main sweetener in diet drinks, aspartame, of just about anything, so I won't comment here. Read them, but check the credentials of the writer.

Diet drinks often contain citric acid, which could give a fruity smell to urine. It's a natural chemical found in citrus fruits.