View Full Version : citalopram 10 mg

28-01-15, 12:46
Hi guys
Iv been to docs this morning and they have given me a medication called citalopram 10 mg 1 a day iv read the panthlet and it's a bit scary how has everbody else gone on with taps

28-01-15, 13:50
Citalopram is great for me. First week can be rough but its worth it

28-01-15, 18:12
Citalopram worked well for a long while but it has lost its helpful effects lately. I have noticed though that this started after contracted a long running virus.

Hope it works for you though.

28-01-15, 22:54
I've been on 10mg for 4 weeks now, it has really helped me and I feel like me again. I did have some side effects for the first 2 weeks so you may not feel better initially.