View Full Version : Can we see Salivary glands on floor of mouth?

28-01-15, 15:29
I can see little tiny lumps/bumps on floor of mouth, maybe 3? Not very big, but sometimes they seem to show and other times i cant really see them, can we see glands under the tounge? or anything else? pretty worrie.

28-01-15, 22:38
I have been wondering the same thing. I read there were so many in the mouth.Right now I am suppose to be having an issue with salivary glands but not so sure that is it.I think its more with my teeth.Hope you can find this out.

Catherine S
29-01-15, 02:36
Yes you can see them, they stand out quite a bit and I actually had one of them blocked some years ago...very painful (imagine sucking lemons!) For which my GP gave me a strong antibiotic in powder form as I recall, to be desolved in water which seemed to immediately ease the pain and reduce the swelling. But even normally they can be quite prominent.


29-01-15, 02:59
Yes you have saliva ducts which are prominent on the floor of your mouth, at the base of your tongue.