View Full Version : Dentist Visit

28-01-15, 17:28
Hi All

I've just registered with a new dentist and plucked the courage up to go and have an appointment. I made a list of things i wanted him to check. He was brilliant, I explained about my anxiety and concern over oral cancer. He checked my list of things and then another check of my mouth. He said everything looked normal and for me to try and address my anxiety.

I came home and felt sort of reassured and have just realised, i forgot to ask him to check a lump i can feel on the very bottom of my mouth.

Would he have noticed if anything was sinister by just checking and me not having to point it out to him?

Starting to real panic about it

28-01-15, 17:49
I am quite sure he would have noticed if there was anything going on that shouldn't be.

28-01-15, 17:53
Thanks for your reply :D

I'm just unsure whether to go back again. I'm finding myself going over the things i got checked and starting to worry about them again. Can't kep my tongue still.

Is this just HA trying to win the battle ? or should I go back ?

28-01-15, 18:05
If there was something out of the ordinary, he would have seen it especially since you specifically voiced your fears. Follow his advice and address your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

28-01-15, 18:11
I've found new bumps I can feel now - which are starting to worry me.

Am I just being over sensitive and hyper vigilant or should I go back ?

28-01-15, 18:25
I have lumps and bumps all over in my mouth and I am sure most of us do. perfectly normal. The more you look the more you will find.

28-01-15, 18:26
J4the96, if there was anything that should seriously worry you, the dentist, as a professional in their field, would certainly notice. I understand very well where your fears come from- you need to feel constant reassurance that you are 100% healthy-but I really am convinced that you don't need to worry. Just trust that the checkup was done by the competent person. :)

28-01-15, 18:29
They are on my gums at the top of my mouth and i have one lower down towards the very bottom of my mouth. I.m not sure if they are actually lumps or just normal gum - the one on the bottom feels like a lump. What should I do go back or just leave it and feel reassured that he would have noticed something if it was untoward ?

28-01-15, 18:34
Just leave it as the dentist has had a good check and stop feeling round your mouth. Do what your dentist suggested and address the anxiety. You might find this workbook helpful

28-01-15, 18:55
Thanks again

I'm just finding it difficult to feel reassured, especially after finding these new bumps I can feel. I'm tempted to go back - i'm starting to really panic over them now

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

Should I just go back for peace of mind or trust the dentist would have noticed if something was of concern ?

28-01-15, 18:59
Thanks again

I'm just finding it difficult to feel reassured, especially after finding these new bumps I can feel. I'm tempted to go back - i'm starting to really panic over them now

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

Should I just go back for peace of mind or trust the dentist would have noticed if something was of concern ?

Ok... I give. Since several reassurance posts aren't helping...Yes... go back :doh:

Positive thoughts

28-01-15, 19:01
Wouldn't going back just feed the anxiety ? I so want to get out of this horrible cycle

28-01-15, 19:10
Yes going back would feed the anxiety but you won't be reassured by any of us saying that you don't need to go back so it looks like the only way you will be convinced is by going back. Although I don't think even that will reassure you. Try the workbook link I sent you instead :)

28-01-15, 19:13
I really don't want to go back - do you think it's necessary ?

28-01-15, 19:14
We have all already told you NO it is not necessary, the dentist would have noticed any abnormalities.

28-01-15, 19:21
Sorry to go on and I do appreciate your help. Even though I didn't point these lumps out to him, would he have definitely have seen something not right - I'm just worried he's missed something although he did say he was 100% convinced there was no signs of oral cancer

28-01-15, 19:31
I think your answer is there "100% convinced there is no sign of oral cancer" accept it :)

28-01-15, 19:43
It's just that I can feel a couple of new bumps and forgot to ask him to check an existing one. Am I being silly ? I hate this HA

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:39 ----------

I have pain in my neck, ear and jaw too - which is a worry. Is that just Tension? He did say I grind my teeth - probably during the night

28-01-15, 19:50
I suggest you start working through the workbook I sent you

30-01-15, 10:19
Still stuggling to come to terms with my mouth being ok. I'm feeling new bumps lumps in there and even questioning what the dentist had already checked. I'm considering going back to the dentist again. I just phoned Anxiety Uk - who were more interested in selling me a membership - and they suggested to go back the dentist, which I was surprised by. Don't know what to do - I know we've been over this but anymore advice. ?

30-01-15, 10:40
They probably suggested you go back to the dentist because you are not listening to the advise that anyone else is giving you so I have to agree with Fishmanpa, I give in too. I can't say any more than I have already said so if you are not listening to us then go back to the dentist.

---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Sorry if that sounded harsh but you seem so insistent on doing it that I think it is the only way you will settle, however if you won't believe him the first time will you the second?

30-01-15, 12:24
Thanks for your reply and advice again. I've got an ulcer that's come up on my lip now that's worrying me too - I really don't want to go back the dentist but my mind is working overtime about this ulcer

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

I'm thinking I can see warts now on the inside of my lower lip

30-01-15, 12:44
Your dentist went to uni for what, 6 years? Your problem isn't the bumps in your mouth, it's the fact that you don't trust the word of a Dr who is far more qualified than your anxiety.

what are you specifically looking for from your dentist?

I second the advice to start working through that module at the Centre for Clinical Interventions. The fact you are posting in this forum tells you on a subconscious level, at least, you realise what you have is anxiety - not oral cancer.

Work out the reasons that are feeding your anxiety. Start with the online workbooks and then see your dr - not about your mouth - but about your anxiety.

30-01-15, 12:59
Thanks for your reply - I'm concerned I can see warts inside my lower lip

30-01-15, 13:07
You will find anything if you look hard enough...We all have little lumps and bumps in our mouths...normal! Believe your dentist.

30-01-15, 13:12
I've convinced myself that these are warts - my girlfriend had a look and said they look like pimples - I'm thinking they're warts

30-01-15, 13:16
Sorry it is no use replying to you any more because you are not taking any notice of anyone. Do what you feel you should.

30-01-15, 13:34
Sorry if you feel like that - I do appreciate your advice. Is it my heightened anxiety making me imagine these things?

I have stopped diszapam after 4 months of taking them. Is my increased anxiety due to that ?

30-01-15, 14:14
I know it is hard for you with HA but you have to trust the professionals (like your dentist). Please go and start the HA workbook I have sent you. Put all your energy into that instead of focusing on things that are not really there. If you stopped taking the diazepam suddenly then yes it could be heightened by that. Speak to your doctor regarding medication he may be able to prescribe something milder.

30-01-15, 14:17
Thank you

So even with these new symptoms I have don't you think I should go back the dentist and also the symptoms I forgot to get him to check

30-01-15, 14:19
It was only a couple of days ago....yes he would have noticed!! Now get that workbook downloaded and start working on it :)

30-01-15, 15:01
Thanks again

I've just phoned the dentist but the receptionist checked my notes and said the dentist couldn't find anything wrong with my mouth. I explained I had new symptoms but they wouldn't give me an appointment - looks like I'm stuck with the worry

---------- Post added at 15:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------

I can feel loads of lumps in my bottom lip in the corner where I have the ulcer - I'm really panicking but haven't got a dentist to go to

30-01-15, 15:06
So rationalize that...why wouldn't they give you an appointment? Because there is nothing wrong and you would be wasting the dentists time, therefore nothing to worry about so start dealing with the real problem which is anxiety.

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

I can feel lots of lumps too...and the more you mess about feeling for them the more likely you will get more ulcers.

30-01-15, 15:07
Yes don't worry, my dentist told me that they check for oral cancer even the patient doesn't ask them to.
Oh and the reason why I went to my dentist to get checked was that I thought my salivary glands were tumors :)

30-01-15, 15:14
Thanks once again

My anxiety is sky high at the moment and my lips are stinging. I'm sure there is something wrong with my mouth with these new symptoms. I'm really worried but haven't got an option - I hate feeling like this and wish I could switch the thoughts off and get back to being me again - I'm so concerned about my mouth I'm considering a trip to A and E

30-01-15, 15:19
Wherever you focus on your body, you will experience weird symptoms there. This is how anxiety works. You know when you focus on your walking or realize people are watching you, you feel like you forgot how to walk, it is like that.

30-01-15, 15:22
I just can't understand that there is nothing wrong with my mouth - it's really getting me into a state. I can't rationalise it because of the new symptoms

31-01-15, 12:02
I've noticed a lump in my top lip now too. Would the dentist have picked up on that when he done his checks. ? I can't remember him checking my lips

31-01-15, 14:50

Take a moment and read your thread back from the beginning. Even in your heightened state of anxiety, you will be able to see the spiral you're in. No amount of reassurance is helping and the reality is it never does.

Certainly, it's cathartic to write out your thoughts and there are many members who have been where you're at now. Its not a good place to be and I know it feels like the world is caving in on you from all sides.

You are right in thinking that there's something wrong but you're wrong about what it is. It's not your mouth, it's your mind. Deep down I believe you know this. After all, you're posting on a HA forum. That being said, the dragon is breathing fire down your neck and you're not seeing the forest for the trees.

You made a call to the dentist but really you should have called a mental health hotline. IMO, you need a professional to help talk you down. While the forum and it's members can relate and offer words of wisdom, one must be in the right mental state to hear them. Right now, it's like we're whispering in a stadium full of cheering football fans. You're just not hearing anyone or anything. I've seen many, many similar threads and I'm saying this from a very rational and clear headed perspective. Please make a call and seek help with your anxiety.

Good luck and positive thoughts

31-01-15, 15:07
Thanks so much for your reply. I am currently taking floxetine 60mg and have weekly visits from the home treatment team but nothing is working for me. Daily I am in a real state of anxiety about any bodily sensation or lump I feel. I just don't know which way to turn - it's effecting my relationship and I can feel myself becoming more distant from my children. It's got to the point were I don't often go to work.

Any advice or programs thsts would help me to get out of this nightmare would be really appreciated

Thanks again

31-01-15, 15:22
There's a free CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665) course here that's quite good. It takes effort but anything worth having does.

Download it and start reading. Understanding why you react the way you do is a step in the right direction.

Positive thoughts

31-01-15, 15:47
Thanks I'll look into it

01-02-15, 11:06
I'm still really worried about my mouth especially my lips now I can feel a few lumps in there I'm not sure what they are one is quite large a bit smaller than a pea - what could they be. ?

---------- Post added at 11:06 ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 ----------

I can also feel a lump at the top right corner of my mouth- which is worrying me sick now - would the dentist I seen last week noticed that ?

I'm having a panic attack I think

01-02-15, 16:32
I have a cut now on my top gum - I could really do with some reassurance - I think I'm having a breakdown

02-02-15, 18:42
Been to another dentist today and hot things checked out- they said everything was fine. I mentioned a lump I could feel on the top left of my gum. She said it was some sort of notch. I said it moves and she said it doesn't - but since I've come home I have been feeling it and it defiantly moves.

I don't know what to do - any advice would be appreciated


02-02-15, 18:44
Two dentists have now told you it is fine and you won't listen to them so I don't think anything we say will help. The dentists are the experts and say you are fine so believe them and get help for your anxiety.

02-02-15, 18:49
Thanks for your reply - it's the first time I have had this lump checked though and she said it shouldn't move but I can definitely feel something near there moving. I'm not sure if she was checking the right place now ?

02-02-15, 19:00

You're too far gone in a spiral of anxiety to comprehend what people are saying. If two professionals can't quell the fear, what makes you think anyone here can?

Good luck. I hope you find some shelter from the storm.

Positive thoughts

02-02-15, 19:02
Just been checking around and can feel other lumps now that I don't have on the other side - I had to dig far back I almost gagged. I hope they're nothing to be concerned about ??? I hate this HA and the obsession I've got with my mouth - it's draining me

03-02-15, 18:59
Went to GP today and she said lumps I was worried about are ok - I thought they were warts - she said no just glands but they're that far back I'm not sure if she could even see them. I've got another dentist appointment tomorrow at the community hospital .

The lump I can feel you have to press really hard on to move it, so much so that I've caused an injury bleeding blister to it. I know the dentist tomorrow won't press on it that hard and I'll be left still worrying about it. I know in the past when I've been worried about lumps and tell the GP or dentist to press harder they won't.

Found a few more lumps here and there and have had earache, jaw ache and neck ache today too - not looking forward to tomorrow especially since I don't have any diazapam to take to take the edge of it - any advice ?

03-02-15, 23:09
Our mouths are full of lumps. I'm almost positive the ones in the back of your mouth (so far back you are gagging) are just glands and tissue ... everybody has that. I know I do.

But I too am stuck in the mouth fear checking/rechecking/feeling terrified cycle right now. I am trying to at least make it to my physical in March without giving in and calling for an appointment because it would just feed my fear. I dug around so much I caused another lump/blister like you did. I am going to my therapist tonight to talk about it, which is the practitioner I need to be seeing instead of a MD for this issue right now.

Are you seeing a therapist?

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ----------

If you mentioned that you are earlier, sorry!! I haven't read the whole thing.

04-02-15, 16:40
I was seeing a therapist privately but had to stop because couldn't afford it. I had a referal to the dental community hispital today from the MH team. I thought right I'm going to have a good poke around and any lump or bump warts and all I'll make a list a put this moith obsession to bed. I prodded and poked and compiled my list and off I went.

When I got there I literarily had a 2 minute check up. She didn't even put her fingers in my mouth - I asked about my list. She said your mouth is healthy I don't need to go through the list. I said but I've got concerns which I know you haven't checked. She replied I don't need to.

I feel worse off for going and have found more lumps bumps and warts to worry about :-(

06-02-15, 20:09
Still really struggling with my mouth problems. I have a sore in there now low down towards the floor if my mouth under the gum. Which has got me so worried - don't know how long it's been there as it's in a hard to teach place - can only just feel it with the tip of my tongue. I can feel other lumps and bumps and sores in there too. I had an oral cancer screening on Wednesday which lasted all of a minute and I'm not sure if this sore was there then - even though the examination was that quick and I had a dentist appointment last Monday is it the anxiety getting the better of me ? The roof off mouth feels swollen and bumpy too. I've also developed a sore/stinging blocked nose and slight ear pain - am I over reacting ???

---------- Post added at 20:09 ---------- Previous post was at 19:06 ----------

Anyone ???? I'm really struggling

06-02-15, 20:21
Look back on this thread....how many people have already answered you but you are still not listening.

06-02-15, 20:52
I am listening - it's just hard to comprehend why I have new lumps, cuts/ulcers and soreness. My tongue feels all rough at the sides now too

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

And also the sore blocked nose and ear pain

08-02-15, 17:26
I can feel new bumps in my mouth today and my mouth feels strange. I can feel like a soft bump just below my lower front teeth towards the bottom of my mouth which is really worrying me - it's softish and I'm thinking it could be a wart ??!

What could it be ? Any suggestions would really help I haven't slept for 3 nights

Thank you

08-02-15, 17:54
Any suggestions would really help I haven't slept for 3 nights
Listen to what the professionals have already told you, re-read what many have already said here and seek help with your anxiety. It just seems you're not taking on board anything at this point.

Positive thoughts

08-02-15, 17:57
Thanks for your reply

It's just that I can feel new lumps/warts and I have sores in there too - I'm really panicking - the check up I had on Wednesday was brief and these symptoms have developed since then.

My mouth feels so sore and I have a bad pain in my ear and neck.

08-02-15, 18:06
Thanks for your reply....
It's just that I can feel new lumps/warts and I have sores in there too....

:doh: Well... I hope you get to the bottom of it. I thought I'd at least try but I'm out...

Positive thoughts

08-02-15, 19:47
Do you think I should be worried ?

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:07 ----------


Please help - I'm desperate

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Anyone ? I'm petrified

09-02-15, 17:56
Hi friend i think you are ok,please donot think enough for it .I think all people have these lumps and bunps in there mouths,so please trust what all people and doctors said.

09-02-15, 18:16
Thanks for your reply

I'm still concerned as I have some sores in my mouth and can feel other changes too. My jaw is aching also. I hate this health anxiety so much. I can feel something on either side of my tongue also

Thanks again

10-02-15, 15:12
Hi all

I'm really panicking today - I can feel like a tiny soft - maybe piece if skin - round shaped lump on the floor of my mouth. It's tiny maybe only a mm in size - what could it be ?

Also my lips are stinging and feel all lumpy and the inside of my mouth feels like it's burning

Any help would be hugely appreciated


---------- Post added at 15:12 ---------- Previous post was at 15:11 ----------

My tongue is sore too and feels scaly on the Side

10-02-15, 20:23
Anyone ? I'm really suffering