View Full Version : Bloating and diarrhoea but feel well?

28-01-15, 17:35
Hi guys,

Back again with what most people would assume is just a bug and wait for it to pass but ofc to me everything seems to fit with something horrible.

This one it is 3 days of really bad bloating whic was really quite painful, like being blown up like a balloon constantly, but is now getting better, along with watery diarrhoea which isn't getting better. It start on Sunday with no known cause at all.

The thing is I don't feel run down and flu-ey, it's all down below, which makes me worry that it's not a stomach bug. I also have a mouth ulcer right now that I assumed was just from a cut when it appeared on Saturday but now I keep thinking of inflammatory bowel disease etc.

Doctors have said chances are it's just a bug but I need more reassurance if possible.

tl;dr: Have you guys had stomach bugs without nausea and vomiting and feeling under the weather? And UK members are there bugs going around right now?

Have you guys had watery diarrhoea for a couple of days but then it just resolved as if it was just a virus etc?

28-01-15, 21:44
Any ideas? :(

29-01-15, 09:00
I'd really like to hear from others who can relate to these symptoms!

It's day 4 now and the diarrhoea is not really improving. It seems to be not actually watery but soft and a bit wet so it feels like it on the way out. I have almost no bloating throughout the day and night except for the morning, I can feel around 5-7am I just start to inflate, then I pass diarrhoea a few times, then nothing for the rest of the day other than a feeling of everything churning :(

It's really freaking me the hell out.

30-01-15, 02:49
A million things can cause this.

I remember I had a terrible bout of HA a few years ago where my stool was loose and waters and I had nausea everyday for like 2 months... it passed.

I am having it again because again I am going through a bout of HA.

Anxiety reeks havok on the bowels.

30-01-15, 05:51
please try and help

30-01-15, 09:54
A million things can cause this.

I remember I had a terrible bout of HA a few years ago where my stool was loose and waters and I had nausea everyday for like 2 months... it passed.

I am having it again because again I am going through a bout of HA.

Anxiety reeks havok on the bowels.

Thanks for the reply. You're right, anxiety can cause a lot of these symptoms although they started before I got anxious about them if you know what I mean, but the anxiety is probably contributing.

I don't know why I just feel very suspicious about these symptoms this time, maybe because I feel well in myself otherwise and it's been going on for ~5 days now, but I suppose stomach bugs can last 5 days?

My stool is just very soft now, not watery, but the gas and churning isn't really improving..

01-02-15, 09:25
Day 6 and still having periods of the day, usually when I wake up and in the evening, when my bowels seem to be in overdrive and I can feel gas building up everywhere.. I can't even remember anymore if this is normal or not.

01-02-15, 09:42
Hi, I've had episodes of similar. Stress made it worse as did when I tried to self medicate with prebiotics like actimel. Ended up going constantlconstantly. I was told that part of our nervous system is in the digestive system so it can do things of its own accord even when we dontbfeel stressed.

01-02-15, 10:00
Hi, I've had episodes of similar. Stress made it worse as did when I tried to self medicate with prebiotics like actimel. Ended up going constantlconstantly. I was told that part of our nervous system is in the digestive system so it can do things of its own accord even when we dontbfeel stressed.

I am definitely stressed so I'm sure it's contributing. I'm taking actable now too. Does anything else work? I've been eating a load of fibre biscuits without much luck.

Can you describe what symptoms you had and how long it lasted?

I'm at 6 days now, day 1 was terrible with watery diarrhoea and painful bloating, now it's just soft stool and the gas isn't painful but I haven't seen either improve much for a few days.

It's really driving me mad thinking I have some chronic bowel condition :(

01-02-15, 10:14
Stop with the actimel! It makes it worse! Mine lasted several weeks. Eggs are good at stopping the runs... Reduce your fibre a bit too.

01-02-15, 10:31
Stop with the actimel! It makes it worse! Mine lasted several weeks. Eggs are good at stopping the runs... Reduce your fibre a bit too.

Uh oh, really? Because it is in the last 2 days the improvement in the gas/bloating seemed to stop, and that's when I started taking actimel and fibre! But Actimel is always advertised as reducing bloating?

Thanks for the advice!

I wouldn't even say I have the runs now it's just one motion a day but it is soft.

02-02-15, 10:34
Sigh, yesterday I did a good solid motion but today I woke up gassy as ever and an even softer motion that the day before, this is really getting me worried, I just don't undertand it.

I don' know if you can call it diarrhoea because I'm only going once per day, but it is sloppy. Today it was kind of burny, if you know what I mean.

I really have lost perspective completely and am worrying that this is something serious which is probably making things worse :(

The thing that makes me wonder how this can just be anxiety is, it began last Monday all of a sudden with a day of very painful trapped gas.