View Full Version : Dizzy, vertigo and eye movements - 2 and a half years - I've had enough

28-01-15, 21:44
Hi All

I keep thinking I'm getting better I can go for months now with no dizziness!

However last night this happened

Sat on the sofa, had a pretty stressful day but nothing too bad... Anyway sat on the sofa head slightly tilted to one side but had been in the same position for about ten mins watching TV. Suddenly my eyes just went all funny like they shake for a brief second and then the room starts to spin, it's horrific :( it goes away after about 30 seconds but is the most horrible sensation in the world.

I've had these in the past but haven't had one for about a month.

What worries me is that they happen with no trigger... If I was tilting my head or something then I would have a reason for if but there is nothing :(

I've convinced myself I'm having some sort of seizure or I've got MS...

I have had MRIs and ecgs this was all last year... But I'm worried as I've never had an eeg and I live in fear of it happening again now :(

Not sure if anyone else feels like this or has these weird eye movements or anything?

28-01-15, 22:12
You did say you were tilting your head though? I get this myself and I think its postural or a lot to do with it. You may also be coming down with a virus, a lot of them around at the moment

28-01-15, 22:38
95% of the time MRI will show up MS on the first MRI. Actually it's more than that as that was a figure from 1991 and things have advanced since then, but let's go with a 5% chance for fun.

Add a normal neurological exam by your doctor, this reduces further, I believe to below 2%. Add a pattern of symptoms atypical for MS (as determined by your neurologist, not by you armed with Google) and your probability is not statistically significantly different from zero.

Our bodies were designed to secrete adrenaline for no more than a few minutes at a time. Attain an anxiety disorder and you're secreting it for hours upon hours, day after day. This has real effects on the nervous system, and it misfires left right and centre, causing symptoms. You google these symptoms, you get more stressed, which causes more symptoms, etc. The cycle goes on. These effects on the nervous system aren't well understood, and whilst it's known they're not serious or dangerous, they will take a long time to dissipate. The first step in allowing this is breaking the aforementioned cycle. Believing you're somehow more likely to correctly diagnose yourself than your doctors and specialists is not compatible with this

28-01-15, 23:36
Thank you for your reply...
It's the fact it's out the blue with no trigge that scares me the most...
If I had a trigge or was thinking anxiously then i think things would be ok...

I should probably take comfort in the fact I have had 2 mri scans 6 months apart from each other!

Being an anxiety sufferer you just want to know why things are happening due to control and I want to know why I get these eye shakes and vertigo... Simple as I suppose :(

29-01-15, 07:02
You say it happened in the evening. Were you tired?

29-01-15, 10:23
Hi fedup36 My vertigo episodes came out of the blue.Twice in 5 years. My tests were all fine. I had been under great deal of stress and sleep deprived for months before these happened. My GP put it down to anxiety and the adrenaline affecting nervous system as serenity says.

29-01-15, 19:42
I have a weird thing happen with my eyes..the go back and forth really quick i was worried but im sure its linked to being tired and if im focusin on something for to long x

30-01-15, 19:46
ok, so I have had ALL the same symptoms as you for about the same amount of time. The dizziness and brain fog were so scary that sometimes i felt like i had to hang on to something because i was afraid to fall over. EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE told me it was anxiety and it wasn't. I had a ton of tests and nothing. Turns out I had leaky gut and Candida (intestinal) I have been on the diet for 6 weeks now and i am fine. So if you have tried everything and it didn't work try this. Even just try giving up gluten for 2 weeks and see if you have any changes. I cannot tell you how much better i feel. The diet isn't easy but I can tell you I don't have ANY dizziness or vertigo anymore. I even had twitching of various parts and general anxiety. It's all gone.

Check out this site http://www.candidafree.net/

30-01-15, 21:33
Cusper - this is really interesting. I am having the symptoms like you and the OP which curiously started after a massive course of antibiotics which as you probably know - ruin your gut lining. I was given an MRI because I was so terrified I had MS and fortunately it was clear.

I then started looking at candida and have so many of the symptoms of it and it certainly adds up what with the antibiotics. However, 3 weeks ago it came back with the same symptoms so I don't know if this is possible and i'm waiting to see another neuro!

The thing is, i don't suffer with thrush (too much info, sorry!) which is a massive symptom of it, isn't it?

31-01-15, 03:07
Daisy, I don't have thrush either. Candida can manifest in so many ways and mainstream doctors don't really recognize it. I had gone to my doctor and had so many tests done, ultrasounds, everything. And she finally just said to me that it's just anxiety and i probably need to address it that way.
the worst symptoms were
Dizziness and terrible brain fog
tingling and twitching in random parts of the body
digestive/urinary tract issues
lower pelvic pain,
rapid heartrate
sometimes even slurred speech.
blurry eyes.
tremors in my right hand
cold hands, nose and feet
itchy ears
terrible pms, there are more but i can't remember all of the symptoms.

This candida cleanse/diet is rough to begin with. At first the headaches and a whole other host of problems arose,(it's supposed to get worse before it gets better) but after about a month. I really started to feel much better. In fact I haven't felt this good in a long time, and for once no more dizziness.
The diet is really strict. no alcohol, no caffeine, no sugar, gluten, corn, soy, dairy.
But the dizziness is gone and i am telling you I was convinced that I'd had MS.

I am telling you that my entire family and friends were so sick of listening to me complain about my symptoms they just thought it was all in my head. So I just kept researching it. Through my research I have found one of the best online nutritionists that had candida since she was really young.
Her website is http://thewholejourney.com/could-it-be-candida
Anyhow I hope this helps. I have had rounds and rounds of antibiotics from urinary tract infections in the past/and mercury fillings both major contributors to leaky gut/candida/parasites.

anyhow i hope this helps. It has been quite a journey but thank god i figured it out because i seriously thought i was losing it.

01-02-15, 10:28
Sorry for the long reply guys... Had been feeling a bit better!

So interesting this stuff about candida.... I suffer with thrush about once every month! It's terrible and I get terrible cramping... No one has ever suggested this to me before...

I have all weird symptoms like shortness of breathe and also the tingling.. I get a numb face and head sometimes...

I will take a look into it!


01-02-15, 12:14
Thank you for the helpful post. I'm going to check out Her website. I bet you were glad when you found out what it was, glad it has helped you x

01-02-15, 18:31
Good luck guys. Candida isn't an easy thing to deal with but at least now i know. it's really amazing when you start to feel better. remember if you start the cleanse you will feel worse before you get better. it's called candida die off(the herxheimer reaction). you can google it too. you will notice that your anxiety levels will go down considerably too.
please keep me updated, i am curious if it helps.

01-02-15, 18:43
Nooooo,this sounds like labrinthitis to me, an inner ear infection. It's awful. I had an acute episode for 2 months and I couldn't even walk.

It's not serious but tell your doctor and do some research. It's horrible but tablets can help. Your symptoms sounds identical and if so it's not anxiety!