View Full Version : Breast Cancer & Ebola

29-01-15, 01:09
I have become obsessed about my heath since developing severe anxiety about dying, which i suppose is understandable. The two illnesses I am currently having the most trouble with are breast cancer and ebola. Any sign of fever causes me to check for nausea and bleeding, and recently a spot on one of my breasts has made me very paranoid about inflammatory breast cancer, the most aggressive type. I have had aches in one arm and on one side of my back on the same side as the supposed cancerous breast. I'm not sure these are even symptoms of this type of cancer, but the fast spread and lack of usual signs in this type has got me very worried, despite the fact that I am young enough for breast cancer to be very unlikely. Any heat due to the time of the month leads to obsessive checking for red patches and 'orange peel' skin.
This thread doesn't really have a point other than that I wanted to get this off my chest. I don't think its worth going to a doctor about, and any advice on how to break the obsessive cycle is very very welcome.

29-01-15, 16:52
Hi Cherryy,

I didn't want to see your post slip off the first page without help, first of all :welcome:to NMP.

It seems like you have a good idea that your anxiety is causing this, which is great! Breaking the cycle, starts with acknowledging that that's what it is, which you seem to be okay with. I would suggest you read cpe1978's sticky post at the top of this forum as it's by someone who has found a way to break the cycle successfully. Stick around, there are lots of resources & friendly people here to try and help.:)

I guess you are also looking for a bit of reassurance though, so I will say that catching ebola in the UK is extremely unlikely unless you're in contact with a sick person's bodily fluids!... so don't worry yourself about that. As for the breast cancer, you will find lots of women here who've been through the same worries - it's likely nothing but a spot, you are just hyping it up because of your anxiety, and the muscle aches will come because of your conciousness of it causing them to tense up. A visit to the GP may be useful in helping you get past the worry so long as you trust their opinions and rather than tell them what you are worried about (i.e. BC), just inform them of the symptoms, and they will make the rational diagnosis.

29-01-15, 17:42
Hi cherryy, I may be able to offer you some support, I have been going through the breast cancer fear myself lately, every lump, bump, mark etc sent me into a state of panic, I have improved since taking antidepressants, but I still have moments when I panic, I also worry about any ache or pain around or near that area, if you need to talk, I'mhere for you.xxxx

01-02-15, 23:55
Thanks for your replies, I'm much less worried about breast cancer now and I seem to be thinking more rationally again. I do still worry about ebola and now meningitis, but it's much more controllable. I guess it's just a matter of time though, as soon as I get more stressed than usual it all comes back again :/