View Full Version : Panicking over Disease...thirteen years later

29-01-15, 04:57
Ugh, this is so weird - there was something that happened when I was twelve, slipped my mind until literally this morning, and my anxiety started acting up.

Okay, so my grandmother was diabetic. I'm not sure what type, I think type II? All I remember is she needed sweets on occasion when her blood sugar went down, and after a while she traded insulin injections for nightly pills. Anyway, I remember when I was eleven or twelve, ten at the youngest, she showed my brother and I how her blood sugar tester worked.

So she pricked both our fingers with it. A year later my brother and I had our blood sugar tested for different reasons - mine was fine, his was high (but that was attributed to his sweets intake).

And now, thirteen years later, the memory just came back to me, and now I'm freaking out and am half-convinced that I might've given myself diabetes or AIDs. I don't think my grandmother had been HIV positive, she would have said something if she was, right? And she and mom never did - and she was constantly getting bloodwork, so she would have known, right? But all the lessons about why sharing needles was bad and what it could do keep coming back, and I keep thinking 'she had diabetes and the needle that her blood was on was on me too,' and it's making me freak out. I'm scared that by using her tester once, what if I made myself sick and never realized it? I've never gotten bloodwork done, and the only saliva testing I've had was for drug tests at work, so a disease wouldn't be picked up.

Could really use any reassurances or advice!

29-01-15, 05:19
Hi there I have health anxiety too and even though mines is heart anxieties it's playing tricks with me today. I just got all my blood work done thought I had diabetic to because of all the sweets and gaining weight . But all blood work was good, so if u worried just go and take a blood test because of your family history. Hope this helps.