View Full Version : MS scared

29-01-15, 08:26
I have got myself worked up over this for over a month. Been to the doctors and saw a nurse at a hospital clinic and they say its anxiety. Ive been on my new meds prozac for 2 weeks. The numbness on face went for over a week and came back yesterday :(

Ive been getting

Restless legs
On and off Crawling legs
Numbess on face and part of leg
Pins and needles
On and off twitches

does anyone else get these symptoms?

29-01-15, 08:49
Yes. This is what happens when you smash through your anxiety threshold and it begins to affect your nervous system.

Twitches are not a presenting symptom of MS. They're called fasciculations, and whilst some think they can occur in MS they're always very localised when they do and appear far later in the disease process. Widespread fasciculations are not a symptom of MS at all (in fact many of the criteria for MS diagnosis state that the presence of fasciculations strongly points away from MS).

Crawling sensations and numbness that come and go are not be a feature of MS. MS causes real objective damage to the nervous system that takes weeks or months to repair.

Restless legs are common (funnily enough) in Restless Leg Syndrome. I've never heard of this being a feature of MS but I don't doubt you'll find something on the internet that says it is. As an aside, I've heard (though I can't say for certain) it can also cause things like crawling sensations. It is, by the way, something that sometimes happens in anxiety.

One thing that might be safer for you to google would be Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (http://www.bfsrecovery.com/whatisbfs.php#q2). In fact the Wiki page for this makes clear that the presence of twitches alone makes an MS diagnosis highly unlikely.

29-01-15, 09:38
My mum suffers with restless legs. Mine gets worse while lying down and watching a film. My vitamin b12 is 177 is that ok?

I dont get why numbness has came back after nearly 2 weeks or less.

29-01-15, 09:49
That's the problem with health anxiety. It's a disease of people with above average intelligence and inquisitive minds, who aren't satisfied unless they can explain everything from first principles. Would you believe most people are over the moon when their doctors tell them they have nothing serious wrong with them, without asking why?

29-01-15, 10:13
Im never over the moon when doctors tell me its anxiety because they cant really tell just by what i say.

How can you tell the difference with ms and anxiety?

29-01-15, 11:21
That's the problem with health anxiety. It's a disease of people with above average intelligence and inquisitive minds, who aren't satisfied unless they can explain everything from first principles.

I like that :yesyes:

29-01-15, 11:26
This forum and post isant for mocking me or others with health anxiety.

29-01-15, 11:27
Im never over the moon when doctors tell me its anxiety because they cant really tell just by what i say.

How can you tell the difference with ms and anxiety?

A doctor can tell the difference. As serenity said in an earlier post, your symptoms just show anxiety not MS. We've all been through this, bits of my body twitch all the time and it's just anxiety. You've become hypersensitive to all these sensations, which is why you are finding it so hard to switch off from them - try treating your anxiety - not just with medication, treat your mind with CBT - there's a free course linked from the panic attack forum... just give it a go, it might work and then you will know if it's MS or anxiety! :)

---------- Post added at 11:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

This forum and post isant for mocking me or others with health anxiety.

No one is mocking. We've ALL been there. And now we are just trying to get through it and come out the other side with a reasonably positive outlook on life.

29-01-15, 11:31
A doctor can tell the difference. As serenity said in an earlier post, your symptoms just show anxiety not MS. We've all been through this, bits of my body twitch all the time and it's just anxiety. You've become hypersensitive to all these sensations, which is why you are finding it so hard to switch off from them - try treating your anxiety - not just with medication, treat your mind with CBT - there's a free course linked from the panic attack forum... just give it a go, it might work and then you will know if it's MS or anxiety! :)

---------- Post added at 11:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

No one is mocking. We've ALL been there. And now we are just trying to get through it and come out the other side with a reasonably positive outlook on life.

Sorry if i seem touchy just im really afraid. I have no one to talk to about this, my parents tell me to shut up and say i dont have it. My mum reckons she could tell if there was something seriously wrong.

Ive had bad anxiety years before and dont remember these sensations.

Got sore/burning scalp too and numbness

29-01-15, 11:46
Sorry if i seem touchy just im really afraid. I have no one to talk to about this, my parents tell me to shut up and say i dont have it. My mum reckons she could tell if there was something seriously wrong.

Ive had bad anxiety years before and dont remember these sensations.

Got sore/burning scalp too and numbness

Well these forums are here to try and help you, but the only person who can really fix this is yourself. We're all here trying to sort our heads out... It is mind boggling what anxiety can do to us physically though, and generally people who do not experience it, do not understand...

You might have been an anxious person all your life, but certain things - certain thoughts, can wind us up off the scale - that's when the physical symptoms kick in and it can be a bit of a surprise - I had this too, and it does take a long time to understand and accept it. The first step is the hardest, but it's so worth trying to take it! I found that reading books about anxiety helped me to accept that that was what it is, there are also a lot of useful resources on this site: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms
And talk to your doctor to find out what counselling options are available, you should be able to get it on the NHS, but there will be a waiting list... HTH a bit :hugs:

29-01-15, 14:09
I am a worrier have my whole life. Was diagnosed with GAD. Just dont understand these symptoms :( random numbness and so on. One week its this and other week after its something different.

29-01-15, 14:31
Akaleez, I understand your fear. I have both Als and Ms fears, Als is more overpowering though. The thing is, almost everyone with HA has MS/ALS fears. Almost everyone goes through these fears. If you search MS/ALS fear on this website you'll see loads and loads of threads about them.
Everybody has some or all those symptoms you're experiencing. I have fatigue, muscle twitches, burning sensation in foot, muscle weakness, sometimes balance and co-ordination problems.
I had an MRI, I felt relieved at first but now I'm thinking what if it missed MS. I'm so scared of ALS and convinced myself I have it. I've been doing strength tests and because of that my arms started to hurt.
MS and ALS are rare but MS/ALS fears are very common. Even those without HA will have scared of it at some point. My therapist said if she googles them she would be terrified. These diseases are too nasty and that's why everybody's scared of them.
You're not alone and you're not the only one who's experiencing these symptoms and convincing yourself you have the disease.
I really hope you feel better soon.

29-01-15, 14:37
Hi can I ask a question, how do you know these symptoms could be MS, did you read it on a forum/website, I have at least 3 family members who have MS and none of your symptoms sound like it but I have to say they do sound remarkably like anxiety/panic disorder.
Once you have trust in you medical team you will feel better.
What tests have you had.

PS I have a twitch in my left eye driving me crazy for over 3 weeks, its not MS though
I hope LOL

29-01-15, 15:25
This most likely isn't MS. I've been through alot worst symptoms than what you describe and it still turned out not to be MS. I have the MRI to prove it.

29-01-15, 16:42
Thanks for the replies. Did you get numbness? I havent had any fatigue since i dont sleep well at all and strength is fine. Hope stays that way.

29-01-15, 17:15
Akaleez, yes I have numbness but I'm not sure if it's because I sit down crossing my legs all the time. My main symptoms are fatigue and weakness, I have blurry vision too but I have astigmatism and anxiety could definitely cause blurry vision.
I definitely don't think you have MS but the more you focus on it the more you'll experience its symptoms. It is how anxiety works.
I was convinced I had bowel cancer and I started having loose stools, going to toilet at least 3 times a day, diarrhea like cramps. I had colonoscopy and it confirmed I don't have bowel cancer and since then my bowel movements are back to normal.
Never underestimate the power of anxiety and always remind yourself that MS/ALS/MND fears are one of the three most common fears amongst people with health anxiety.

29-01-15, 20:48
Im going to get tested. Just hate this on and off numbness on legs and face. Same with crawling too.

29-01-15, 21:27
It depends what you mean by numbness. Do you mean when you close your eyes you couldnt feel someone touch part of your skin, or do you mean that the touch doesn't feel the same as it did?

29-01-15, 21:36
I can feel things just the touch doesnt feel the same

29-01-15, 21:39
I had this up both legs and both arms, It felt like I was wearing 2 gloves and 2 stockings and it was a "Neuropathy" type feeling. It is still here but it has subsided alot and it was a throbbing burning in both legs and arms. If you ran your nails up each limb it would feel alot more intense than normal.

29-01-15, 21:42
Akleez I know exactly how you feel. I've had a nerve/muscle twitching in my left calf has been like it for three days it is driving me crazy. I had twitches in my right thigh a few days before and for two years my left shoulder was so locked and tense my chiropractor said it felt like concrete. I am almost in tears as I am so fed up as I have had pain for almost two years. I have had MRI scans and ct scans numerous blood tests and everything comes back to anxiety. I said to my fella tonight I thought I had Ms and he just laughed it off.

It's so hard and it's horrible when you feel so vulnerable and lonely. This is why this forum is so good

30-01-15, 08:14
Just wish the worrying would stop. Forever obsessing :( now trying to work out how long ive had these sensations the time frame as i said they come and go. The face numbess has come and go in matter of just over a week. The leg has been little while, its like a little numb patch right on outer side leg thigh.

06-02-15, 08:05
Still so anxious about this :( have horrible thoughts.

06-02-15, 14:06
Sorry you're feeling anxious about it again. I feel the same about it too as have lots of symptoms going on and I'm so fed up. I buzz, burn, twitch, go numb, pins and needles and tight muscles.
I'm off to see a neuro next week (went last year when I got the all clear for anything sinister) but I'm hoping I feel better after as I spend my whole waking moments worrying at the moment.
Hope you feel better x

10-03-15, 18:14
Still worrying about this. I havr buzzing thigh on and off for two weeks then went for two weeks and now back again:(

one day at a time
10-03-15, 18:34
It's the worrying and stressing that is keeping the adrenalin and stress hormone pumping , that is what's causing your symptoms , you are constantly in the flight or fight mode and your body is not designed for that so it's sending all mixed signals hence all the symptoms , your body is exhausted !! I've just been through similar myself due to a new symptom I've never had before , it's taken me 2 months to finally accept it's anxiety and googling was my downfall . I've had sunburn feels no all over my neck,shoulders and a tingle in my head aswell as burning at the back of head . I'm really working no on relaxing and changing my thoughts and it's all easing , I was not putting myself through unnecessary testing because that would have fuelled my anxiety more . I will keep working at it being anxiety , my Dr is not concerned so I shouldn't be so I have to change my thought process

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

I would recommend the Claire weekes books , really helped me get back on track this last 2 weeks , we hold the key out of this misery and it can be done but it'd hard work

12-03-15, 12:33
Just when i think im getting better i feel worried again. This damp skin feeling is making me worried ms.

one day at a time
12-03-15, 14:35
Keep in mind that you have been pumping adrenalin and stress hormones over this fear and your nerves are all over the place , mid signals sent your brain so it takes time to calm the nervous system down . Concentrate on lowering your anxiety and changing your thoughts to positive ones ( this is just anxiety , accept it as a trick of the mind and remain calm ) try keep busy and pay no attention to your symptom and reduce your fear to it , your body will stop re acting . Lowering your anxiwty and staying calm and the symptoms will fade , a calm body won't react , a tense anxious one will and you will get more symptomatic

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

Its the hardest part to recovery but you have to try get on with your day the best you can with the symptoms and pay them no attention , if you find you are thinking abouy the symptom and questiining it then STOP , calm your body by belly breathing and then replace those fearful/worrying thoughts with more positive ones

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

Positive thought :- i have damp sweaty skin , im calm it doesnt stop me doing what i need to do and its just a reaction to my irrational thought , its just anxiety

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ----------

I too have had symptoms that can relate to MS and i did google in january and i spiralled big time , ive worked hard on accepting the symptom as anxiety and the sunburn type pain i had across my shoulders,neck and back of my head has now gone back to the tingle it started as on the left side of my head .i have it daily but just try get on with things . I dont work so i have to try keep busy indoors as best i can . Its your nerves to whack

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:24 ----------

Another thing that helped me was telling myself that even if I did have MS I still needed to get back on track with my anxiety , MS doesn't cause anxiety , you feel anxious because of the unknown with the disease . Testing etc would have made me even more anxious ( if that was possible ) And the way I was feeling I wouldn't have even managed to attend appointments , long waiting lists for each test too so could be best part of the year til I got the all clear . I felt that if I got the all clear then I would get back on tack an anxiety would decrease but in reality the next symptom would cause some other health anxiety issue . I chose to calm myself down and work on my anxiety and give it a few months and see how I'm going . I did bring it up with my GP and she was not concerned so I will go with her judgement , I have exhausted my body that much in 2 months and lost 1.5 stone in weight it's no wonder I feel the way I do .

12-03-15, 15:51
hello there.. akaleez..

i've been where you are, with very similar symptoms. Gosh I remember struggling for months with the twitches, the pins and needles, etc. thought i had MS, ALS, etc.

I was in my mid-20s... and I ran from doctor to doctor. never convinced.

i used to ask my now husband to tell me whenever his muscles would twitch just so he could prove it was normal.. and it's especially normal under high anxiety AND even at rest because your body is finally (sorta) at ease.

i'll tell you what my husband ALWAYS tells me. You can ask for reassurance from doctors or people suffering the same, but it will be YOU to convince yourself of your health. And, it's VERY difficult.

However, it IS possible to pull through. We need to break your cycle of fearful thoughts. So let's start with this:

1. How old are you ?
2. How long have you suffered from anxiety?
3. What kind of stress are you facing in your life? What is a typical day like for you?
4. What are your hobbies and interests? What can you LOSE yourself in for a few minutes?

#4 is key... if it's exercise, DO IT! Even if you think you can't, DO IT ANYWAY.

For me, if I do an hour of exercise, it REALLY helps the mind.

Just trust those around you who want to help you through it... ride the wave. You'll eventually get to the shore again.

16-03-15, 11:23
I just dont know how to cope :(

Today its buzzing near my hip or somethings my thigh or grown :(