View Full Version : feeling panicky again relapse?

29-01-15, 20:50
I didn't think I would have to do one of these follow up posts as I assumed I was getting better. I was sat eating some biscuits then all of a sudden that cold ice panic feeling took over me. I took 40mg propranolol and am feeling a little better. I'm almost scared to go to bed but I'm so tired.

It's my birthday in 2 days so I don't want this ruin in it.

29-01-15, 21:31
Aww, bless, that's so disappointing isn't it? It has happened to me and, I would imagine, to most people here.

You've taken the right action for you, so well done. It doesn't have to be a relapse, it could just be a blip.

Have a lovely Birthday :bighug1:

31-01-15, 00:41
I thought I was getting better too. :unsure:
Sorry that you also feel like this.
I've learned and have tried to accept the fact that this will come and go. I just try to enjoy the periods of my life where they 'go' and don't show up for months - even weeks at a time.

31-01-15, 07:39
You're right falling star. I have tried to accept it's just my body telling me somethings wrong and I should take the memo and do something about it. :) I feel a bit better today. I hope you're OK too.