View Full Version : Heart rate higher upon standing/walking and shortness of breath?

29-01-15, 22:17
Anyone else experience this? I'm starting to get super worried. It'll happen sometimes when I'm laying down but it usually happens when I'm walking.

29-01-15, 23:11
I get similar, a wave of dull aches down to my legs when i go upstairs. it passes quickly though. Seems worse at might too.

30-01-15, 00:36
Just happened to me.It has happened to me off and on all my life and i have been tested for all kinds of things including heart ,arteries etc.. and im suppose to be healthy.

09-02-15, 14:56
I am still having this problem but I think it has subsided a little. I'm wondering if it could be high BP. Also little niggles on both sides of my chest, on and off. Anyone else had this kind of thing?

09-02-15, 22:33
Your heart rate is supposed to be higher when sitting/standing/walking because it's how the blood flow to your brain is maintained when you move from lying down to upright.

Shortness of breath is often just perceived and could just be because you're a bit unfit if you don't walk too much!