View Full Version : Tingling in upper lip area (moustache area if I had one!)

29-01-15, 22:48
Hi all,

I'm new here and wanted to see if anyone has had a tingling/ tickling sensation in their above upper lip area and in their nose? I'm really worried and keep thinking it's a stroke about to happen anytime soon. It's been going on for about a week now. I also occasionally get light stabbing pains around my body especially arms. I keep think that I'm going to have a stroke. I've been a bit stressed and fell out with a good friend recently. Even though I think I'm not that bothered about it maybe I am. I also experience weird weakness and feeling "out of it."

Is this all normal with anxiety? I've had a thorough blood test recently and it was all fine. I went to the docs about my weakness in arms and hands and he said it's fine and that I don't need to come off the pill but I keep thinking he might be wrong. I'm tempted to go off it and see if it makes any difference. All my anxiety started after my mum died. She killed herself 4 years ago and I wonder if it's the aftermath if it all. The tingling in upper lip is a new thing in the last week.

Any help would be most appreciated.

30-01-15, 22:09
Tingling sensations in the face can be caused by hyperventilation, which is very common in anxiety. You may not feel like you are hyperventilating, but sometimes this type of breathing can become normal for anxiety sufferers. Try breathing in for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and breathe out for 7 seconds. If that is difficult and makes you feel like you can't breathe, then it is very likely that you are hyperventilating. This can be improved by practicing slower breathing with breathing exercises :)

30-01-15, 22:14
HI Tealover,

Firstly sorry to hear about your mum and that it has caused you to develop anxiety.

I get this in my face too, its so random, i also get it over my body too. It's very odd. Anxiety can cause this, it does for me. I also get weakness in my legs and arms, although it's not clinical weakness - i.e, i can still grip things - but it certainly feels weaker, is this similar to you?

Hope you are ok x

31-01-15, 05:34
Hi tealover

Me too. When my anxiety kicks off as it has today I get face sensations and arm weakness. You've seen doc so that's a hurdle out of the way.

Insomnia is today's big problem for me after a day with high anxiety

01-02-15, 21:17
Thank you guys. I keep thinking that the tingling is a stroke but my sister keeps saying you would have had one by now if that was the case. I keep thinking it's just a matter of time before I have a stroke. I went to the doctors about a year ago and explained the symptons of arms being weak and sometimes dropping things. He tested me for stroke and he said I was fine and no need to come off pill. I just keep thinking why would I get numbness in my arms and hands if there is nothing seriously wrong with me? The tingling has been going on for a week now in my upper lip area and I noticed that there is a hard spot there which is making me think it's that causing it. My sister also had tingling and I'm just adjusting to the feeling. I've also had itchy head/sore head and stabbing sensations especially in my arms.
It's getting me down now and keep thinking maybe I should go to the doctors. The sensation is not always there but it's there a lot. Like for example, I went for a run today and didn't notice it while I was running and it gets worse when I touch the area like putting on my make up in that area. Thanks for your help. My mums death has caused me a lot of anxiety and even though I think I'm ok maybe I'm not and that's why I'm having this tingling.