View Full Version : Is this bowel cancer? SCARED

30-01-15, 01:26
Hi all. I'm not a stranger to living with health anxiety. Every time I think I have an illness I am convinced this time it's real. But this time it's more real than ever.
TMI: I started with anal itching, irritation, thinking I had a hemorrhoid 3 months ago. Every time I wiped too much I bled and felt sore. I saw my GP she did a visual exam and gave me suppositories. But symptoms came back. Only after bowel movements. I managed to handle it for awhile but I started googling and I fell into a horrible panic attack about it. Then I passed a dark stool maybe black but not tarry. Just one. Everyone after that has been normal brown. I ate chocolate brownies but not sure if that would cause one dark stool. But as you may imagine I am in a perpetual panic mode. Constantly checking my bowel movements and I'm convinced I see tiny specs of blood on it. I definitely see them in my toilet paper. My stomach is a mess now. I have loud noises and dull pains on left abdomen.
I will see my GP in 5 days and GI in 12. I know I have a long process of testing ahead of me. I'm just so frightened. I can hardly function. I have a husband and 2 young children. I'm a mess.