View Full Version : Fears over consequences of Vitamin D deficiency

30-01-15, 10:26
Hi Guys

Got a letter form my GP saying some blood results came back saying I have a Vitamin D Deficiency which is probably why I have been tired and achy.

I have got Adcal tablets to take for 6 months. I have had this happen before and I felt better after treatment.

However, being the silly billy I am I Googled and now I am worried about the c-word as apparently low vitamin D is linked to cancer :(

To make matters worse for the past week I have had horrendous itching, mostly over my back and stomach. I also have a low ache behind my ribs so of course I am thinking liver/pancreatic cancer or lymphoma or leukaemia.

Fretting so much over this! Feel so weak and tired today and just want to curl up into a ball and cry. Been in such a low mood and been really ratty towards my poor boyfriend so feel bad about that too.

Has anyone else had a Vit D deficiency? Did you get itching from it? Did it make you worry about the c word?

So scared at the moment and could really, really do with some support :weep:


30-01-15, 14:08
The vast majority of us who live in the Northern hemisphere have a Vitamin D deficiency. It comes from sunlight, we don't get any. You will also find on the internet virtually every vitamin deficiency is linked to cancer.

30-01-15, 14:12
Vitamin deficiencies and imbalances are also linked to poor mental health according to an article I read yesterday - hence the importance of a healthy balanced diet all round :)

30-01-15, 15:05
Honey it's not linked to cancer, you can take vitamin d as a supplement to prevent cancer. Please do not google anything, we google because we feel the need to KNOW and CONTROL everything but we make everything worse as we are not doctors and we misinterpret what we read on websites.
I'm taking vitamin d supplements everyday along with other supplements as I want to be healthy.
I had iron deficiency (low ferritin) and googled few months ago, then I convinced myself I had bowel cancer as I thought low ferritin means I have rectal bleeding. You know my story.
I took iron tablets for over a month and my ferritin levels are up and within normal range now. I just had a low iron diet, and I was not bleeding.

30-01-15, 15:10
Thanks for the replies.

I just don't feel well at all. I have been extremely tired and achy. In the letter off my GP it says the deficiency can cause this, I guess it affects everyone differently. I am going to collect the Adcal tablets today, can't say I am looking forward to being on them for 6 months as last time they gave me horrendous constipation!

I am more worried about the itching at the moment :( It is driving me mad, all over my stomach today - can't stop scratching myself! Just feel so agitated and on edge. I know I'll end up drinking tonight and I wish I could just have a few nights off it, but it really takes the edge of my anxiety. I know its bad and I know I would feel better if I stopped. I don't drink loads, just about 2 or 3 drinks a night.

That is interesting what you say about it being linked to poor mental health Mindknot, I didn't know that.

I eat a very healthy diet, I was pure vegetarian until a couple of months ago but have recently started eating fish. Fish is a good source of vitamin D apparently as are eggs.

I really want to stop Googling things :( it never ends well.

So scared I have cancer but the drs have missed it :( worried I will be unlucky. Feel like I am losing my mind today :(

---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

Honey it's not linked to cancer, you can take vitamin d as a supplement to prevent cancer. Please do not google anything, we google because we feel the need to KNOW and CONTROL everything but we make everything worse as we are not doctors and we misinterpret what we read on websites.
I'm taking vitamin d supplements everyday along with other supplements as I want to be healthy.
I had iron deficiency (low ferritin) and googled few months ago, then I convinced myself I had bowel cancer as I thought low ferritin means I have rectal bleeding. You know my story.
I took iron tablets for over a month and my ferritin levels are up and within normal range now. I just had a low iron diet, and I was not bleeding.

Thanks hun hope you are doing better at the moment? I really do need to stop with the Googling and the worry... it is like a compulsion though. So fed up today. Glad your iron is in the normal range now, that can make you feel rough xx

30-01-15, 22:04
There is a reason we shouldn't google, and that is because online, anything becomes a symptom of serious illness. You have a slight headache? Cancer. Been tired for a couple of days? Cancer. Lost weight? Cancer. Never mind that your headache could be from dehydration, your fatigue could be from lack of sleep, and your weight loss could be from exercise and diet. Catch my drift? There's a reason we have doctors :) They are intensively trained to identify markers of serious illness. If your doctor isn't concerned, you should feel some relief.

Google aside, I have never heard of low Vitamin D being linked to cancer. And, interestingly enough, widespread itching can actually be a symptom of anxiety. I've seen a couple of elderly people with quite severe itching (medical problems ruled out) that has been resolved with anxiety treatment and involvement in community programs to increase social life.

31-01-15, 05:00
Think about how SAD affects people. Also, there have been plenty of people on here posting about how they feel more fatigued in winter. Improving this can mean using SAD light boxes to boost vitamin D production or taking supplements of it.

So, your GP knows that these are symptoms of common disorders or deficiencies that make you feel fatigued. Also, if this were a possible indicator or cancer, they would be referring you for further tests anyway.

Why not try the medication he/she has prescribed and see what difference it makes to how you feel first and speak to your GP from there as I assume you will have a follow up?

31-01-15, 12:37
Thanks for the replies. I am just convinced something is wrong and it is really hard to feel reassured in any way at the moment. I started my tablets yesterday, they are vitamin d and calcium. I have had this happen before and felt better after being on the tablets a while. I am more bothered about the itching today, its all over my sides and back. I seriously think it could be to do with the deficiency of chemicals in a new bra I wore. Trying not to scratch myself to ribbons. Worried as one of my moles on my back that's not perfectly round is itchy and a bit flaky to so of course I think I have skin cancer. Just totally fed up of it. Weird thing is, cause of the medication I actually feel a bit less bothered than I normally would. It is strange. Really fed up on the Sertraline too for very personal reasons affecting my relationship :( but benefits of being on it far outweigh the negatives so staying on it for now at least.