View Full Version : Can we get new moles as we get older?

30-01-15, 11:25
Hi, i've always had a concern of skin cancer and new moles and even moles i've had my whole life, that is where my HA came from.

But the last couple of weeks I noticed a small light brown mole near my elbow, its pretty much round and a light brown colour but i have never seen it before, if it is newish is it normal to get new moles as we get older? But just worried incase skin cancer is forming? No other symptoms such as itchy, bleeding, dark, irregular etc. just concerned as never seen it before.

I am 24 male, I do not really go in the sun due to my fear of skin cancer.

30-01-15, 11:54
Yes new moles appear all the time.

30-01-15, 14:03
Absolutely. You wouldn't be human if you didn't.

30-01-15, 14:07
Yes that's true. As long as you put sun cream on, wear a hat, and thin clothing on holiday or in the sun, you will be protected. A little sunshine is good for you.
It's the only time my nails grow -in the summer.
If you are concerned about any moles you have you can ask your GP.

30-01-15, 15:08
Sure! I've got a few in last decade. It's enough to see specialist once or twice a year about them unless advised differently. No need to worry if you find a new one showing up especially if it's light colored. :)

30-01-15, 15:21
Yep, my Gp told me herself that she's getting new moles and showed me her arms, they were full of moles. It's normal.

30-01-15, 15:56
Yes, i went to the dr about a new mole that has appeared under my arm & he looked at it with a light or something & said it looks fine & that it is normal for us to get them as we get older.

30-01-15, 18:05
Sure can.
