View Full Version : Back again :-(

30-01-15, 16:59
So I'm back again with breast issues , I have found a lump in my right breast that slightly moves and squashes down if I mess with it enough, if I leave it over night it sort of fills up again to it's original size . I went to the doctors who said if it hadn't gone in 3 weeks they'd refer me as she thought it was just breast lumpiness. I couldn't wait 3 weeks so I called the surgery and asked to speak to my usual dr who was really rude and said I'm being a drain on funds because of my anxiety, I feel really awful now that I can never go back to the drs, I was refered to the breast clinic last August . I'm really upset , if my lump moves slightly and squashes flat then re fills back up is that a good size ? I'm considering going private now :(

30-01-15, 17:41
It's very rude of them to say this. You don't have to go private, it is your right to see a doctor whenever you are concerned. I'd recommend you to change your surgery. Of course it is not good for us to go to the doctors all the time to seek reassurance but if you found a lump and you're concerned you have the right to see your doctor and talk about your concerns. It's not your fault that nhs sucks and doesn't have any money. I'm sure the lump is nothing, I have 3 lumps in my breasts in total and I get checked yearly as my mum had breast cancer and I'm on the pill. My breasts are too lumpy and if I focus on them I find new ones all the time. I know waiting sucks but this is how it is in England and I'm sure if they were concerned you would have been referred by now.

31-01-15, 07:29
Yes I feel I need to change doctors now usually he's lovely , feels like he's saying because I had an issue last August I can't have one now , I havnt even been to the doctors since August so not like I'm there all the time , if the lump can slightly move and changed when pressed does that sound like a good sign ? I'm going out of my mind with worry x