View Full Version : Will tablets clear fuzzy head.

30-01-15, 17:46
Very reluctant to take medication as feel it's only a sticking plaster and am awaiting CBT. I have light head due to anxiety and am wondering if medication will make it better or worse. Anyone had any experience.

30-01-15, 22:40
It really depends on the person. Some people will improve drastically on medication, whilst others find them intolerable and prefer therapy only. And some people respond well to a combination of the two.

30-01-15, 22:58
Lightheadedness is my biggest and most scary symptom it's there nearly all the time. I'm six weeks into taking fluoxetine and no, it has not taken away that feeling. However the majority of the time it allows me to function and ignore that feeling rather than spiralling into a panic about it.

I am going to ask my doctor at my next review about maybe adding CBT in as well if it's available to try and let me beat this beast and get back to some sense if normality.

I must admit the main thing I've noticed since starting these meds is I have periods of worrying about my symtoms still but it's not all consuming and taking up all my time and attention like it was. I just have to try and keep busy!

31-01-15, 02:27
Well in a way you are right.

Meds are a crutch or 'sticking plaster' as you say, but they are also IMO quite an important tool in helping us feel better, though I know not all agree with that. (Each to their own.) Meds take the edge of the worst and most frightening symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. The mental stuff and then by default, the physical stuff that is being created by the mental stuff. Therapy then addresses the REASONS that have lead us to becoming the way we are - anxious, depressed, fixated on health worries, etc, or helps us find ways of coping with it, and managing it.

IMO, neither is better than the other. They work well in partnership. In saying that, some people find relief just through one or the other. As anthrokid already said, it is very subjective and depends on the individual.

In terms of my own experience with SSRI meds, I never felt lightheaded at all when starting them, or since being on them. I only suffer every so often with benign vertigo (as I think I mentioned on your other thread about lightheadedness) which bears no relation to my meds. I felt a lot of lightheadedness when I was highly anxious though, and before taking meds, to the point of fainting on occasion.

31-01-15, 08:42
Thanks for your replies. Funnily enough I was out on a works do last night and forgot all about for a couple of hours and felt fine. Going to have a long think and a chat with my GP, I don't really want to take tablets but am sick of feeling like this.