View Full Version : Help heart palpitations and feel foggy in mind

30-01-15, 22:14
I have been dealing with anxiety my whole life I have been on xanax 2 mg a day for 9 years I'm 29 now. Now more heart palpitations have been occurring since had my daughter who is now 2 years old and past 3 weeks feel out of it tired and nothing helping even my meds and I can't take it I can't live like this when I got my daughter to be a role model for. My heart skip every single day sometimes more than other days but at least 3 to 10 times daily and it scare me I went to er for them they did xray and said nothing about them I had low blood pressure was 101 standing and 98 over something but took it week ago and was back to 121 but I still black out when I stand the Dr is new and won't see me till March saying they too busy which is bs since I have heart issues in my family my father had heart attack at like age 52 and he is 60 and had a stroke now and I'm so scared for this since I feel it in my chest skip and now my mind is foggy I forget things and don't want it to be tumor or something major out of no where I was fine for Christmas and now I'm not at all. Please someone help me.

30-01-15, 23:01
I know you have stated heart disease runs in your Family. I would just like to tell you, I am a former cardio vascular sonographer and can tell you this. If you have had an echocardiogram ( ultrasound of the heart that shows the muscle of the heart with each beat, as well as the valves and each of them open and close properly, and there is no significant calcium build up on them that hinder the opening and closing ( and let me aslo state any calcium build up that hinders their opening or closing must be a huge amount to alter blood flow and cause a serious problem ) and you have had a EKG which is a print out of the electric conductivity of your heart - and then a 24 hour heart monitor that shows 24 hours of electric conductivity - then you most likely are not experiencing any heart related problems.....

You said you feel your heart skip beats 3 to 10 times a day.

I will say this just to add some more comfort...I have had skipped beats recorded on heart monitors as much as thousands upon thousands a day - they are PVC's and PAC's........I also have my heart take off beating very fast, and then WAY TOO SLOW- I have had a minor cardiac infarct in 2008 .... with no known cause and I am still breathing......if there is no structual abnormality within the valves, muscles, blockages to coronary arteries and no electric defect, then you should not worry about skipped beats here and there, they are normal, everyone has a few from time to time, even daily. I wish you comfort from your worry.