View Full Version : weird lumpy tonsils

31-01-15, 01:36
Hi. I haven't posted here in a while (so long that I forgot my old username and had to make a new account). My current, intense worry is this: I've had a slight occasional ache in my left ear for years. In the past month or so I've had a slight sore throat, especially on the left side, that comes and goes, and is always there when I yawn. Even more worryingly, I've looked at my throat and my tonsils are enlarged and lumpy, and have little… weird bits on them? Not the white strange-smelling balls that people sometimes get, but small irregular… bits of tissue, I guess? And a cursory internet search revealed that this can be a sign of cancer.

I saw my doctor for something unrelated a few weeks ago and I'm kicking myself for not asking her to take a look at my throat. I'd actually noticed the weird bits of tissue more than a month ago, but gradually my worry faded and by the time I went to the doctor for something else I wasn't concerned anymore. Now I notice that there are more strange bits of tissue sticking out than before, and the tonsils are really lumpy and weird, and I'd rather not die of anything so I'm worried.

Oh, and to make it worse- I lost ten pounds several months ago for no apparent reason. And I stayed at the new weight or several months but recently I've lost about four more pounds, all without dieting or exercising at all, so this heightens my cancer worries.

31-01-15, 01:46
You have craggy tonsils. They are normal and not a sigh of cancer at all. You should stop googling as like most of us, you misinterpret what you read on there because we are not doctors. I have lumpy tonsils and my left tonsil is larger than the right one. I saw 2 ENT specialists, both said it's ok. I've been to the same worry and I assure you that you have nothing to worry about. Hope this helps x

You might have tonsillitis, sorry I read it wrong and thought you have tonsil stones.

01-02-15, 02:54
Still super nervous. I'll go to see the health center at my college on Monday but they're closed for now- and since they're not the best nurses the medical profession has to offer, I'm not even sure they'd catch something. My parents would be incredibly annoyed if I went to an ENT because I worry about my health a lot and sometimes get unnecessary check-ups- I cost them $700 over the summer because I went to a neuro-opthalmologist because I was convinced I had a brain tumor. So my options in getting this checked out are limited right now. :-( I can't see my GP until March at the earliest, or more likely May (because I'm living in a different state for school).

---------- Post added 01-02-15 at 02:54 ---------- Previous post was 31-01-15 at 23:58 ----------

Further googling reveals that what I have on my tonsils- well, one of the things- is a papilloma. It seems like these are (usually) benign, but they're benign tumors, which still doesn't sound good.
I don't want to research it further and freak myself out more.

01-02-15, 03:37
Honey papiloma means human papilloma virus, which is Hpv. Hpv is real, and it might cause cancer yes nobody is denying that but it is very very rare. I don't think you had oral cancer due to hpv. In women it's even more are than women. You probably have oblt tonsillitis. do not google please, I know you found this "papillamo" from google and it will not help you. Just let it go, lumpy tonsils is jut normal.