View Full Version : Every Day

31-01-15, 04:51
I seem to get panic attacks every day. Is this the normal thing ? I doubt it but just wondering how regular suffer like me. Its awful. Some are mild and short but some really bad. I get anxious going out in public and sometimes eating and watching tv or at night. Every ache or pain I fear the worst. Am I just a hydrocondriac ? I have no idea what I have. Just I worry. I am ok lets say 3 quarters of day but every day I have anxious moments. I want to try and beat this. I don't know if I have it mild or extreme to other people. Please help.

31-01-15, 07:36
How long has This been going on? I personally had an episode of many panic attacks over 2 weeks then I started to recover. It also sounds like you have health anxiety.
But please understand nothing is 'normal' when it comes to anxiety we're all individuals with our own unique problems and tolerances. Best of luck x

31-01-15, 11:06
Around 6 months I've had it. You are recovering ?? Fantastic. Any tips ?

01-02-15, 00:32
Am getting panic attacks every day, heart racing, feeling everything wrong with my body, hoping that by going to see phy. soon she will giving me some coping strategies, I know breathing deeply through nose and breathing out through mouth count whilst you are breathing is meant to help, I feel your pain, I hope it goes away soon

01-02-15, 02:10
thankyou for your kind words