View Full Version : Co-amoxiclav for kidney infection

31-01-15, 14:06
Hi there,
So I suffer with anxiety. I've had a kidney infection for nearly three weeks now and have been perscribed 4 lots of different anti-biotics. I haven't finished a whole prescription yet because they each made me feel really strange. I know I didn't imagine any of the side effects that accompanied it. So I go to the doctors 5 times within the space of two weeks, trying to get a conversation about why this is happening. All the while my kidney infection gets worse and worse, and obviously because I never finish the courses, gets more difficult to treat.

I'm on 500/125mg of Co-amoxiclav 3 times a day. They make me feel so bizarre and twitchy, like my nervous system is excited. I also get pains in my muscles randomly, especially in my hands and neck. I went to hospital yesterday but don't think I explained myself clearly as the doctor said that it was unlikely a person could be allergic to every antibiotic and that muscle pain could be caused by the infection. Which I accept, but this one is really awful and I don't feel I stated clearly the effect on the nervous system. I can't sleep, relax, even be around people because outside stimuli makes my nervous system almost shudder. I get sensations like could get a seizure. I know this antibiotic can cause a person to convulse and I'm extremely worried about the effect this is having on my nervous system. I've tried to refrain from googling this.

I feel as though the doctors think I am making these effects up, so I've tried to power through despite feeling this way. But it wont stop. I know that if I stop these antibiotics then the kidney infection will get stronger again. I'm only had 5 out of 21 and I have no idea how I'm going to complete this. I've already missed so much work and my Mum suspects I'm doing this for attention.

Any help/advice would be appreciated enormously. Thanks.