View Full Version : Strained Oesophagus?

31-01-15, 20:18
So you know that feeling when you eat too fast and you swallow and it's EXTREMELY painful as the food goes down that you have to stop in your tracks and wait for it to settle down?

Well that happened to me a few weeks ago and I thought nothing of it.

Then it happened again the other day as I was really eating quickly and the food was quite dry also. Anyway, for the last few days now it just doesn't feel right when I swallow.

When I swallow anything now, I can feel it going all the way down my oesophagus and even into my stomach. It's a strained sort of feeling that I even feel in the middle of my back as the food goes down. Its been like 3 days now, has anyone else had this before? I sort of have a constant feeling like I need to burp also. Looking for some reassurance :(

01-02-15, 00:58
I had experienced this feeling many time, it's an esophageal spasm. Try not to eat or drink cold and hot drinks-food, that triggers it, and dry food like rice, I had a spoon of white rice and I had a spasm it's not a very nice feeling try and drink water slowly and it should pass.
Stress and emotional problems is a major trigger of esophageal spasms.

01-02-15, 01:00
The thing is it's lasted 4 days now. It does sound the way you described it but now it's sort of lingering in a less painful way. It feels constantly constrained at the moment so even swallowing saliva I can feel it going down...

01-02-15, 01:07
This has also happened to me and I nearly choked once with it.. Whatever you do don't let it stop you enjoying your food. I eat fast and put too much in my mouth also this is just a habit now when it happened i started drinking milk while food was still in my mouth just to get it down better.. Crazy i know but didn't know what else to do.

See your gp just to put your mind at rest

Take care


01-02-15, 01:23
What I mean though is now it feels like this all the time. It's not that extreme pain that happens occasionally when you eat too fast, but it's more of a feeling of when I swallow now, it just feels like it's narrowed and I can even feel my saliva going down and my stomach is gurgling a lot also...

01-02-15, 02:04
Could it possibly "Golbus" or maybe you have what i have a "shatzki ring" nothing serious a narrowing of the esophagus were it leads to the stomach were the ring is tightening the part leading to the stomach, but tbh with you i think it could be the top one "Golbus,

The shatzki's ring i got with retching along with a haitel hernia..

If it's got you to the point were your really worried about it You'd be best asking your gp to send you for an endoscopy just to check everything is ok.... It could be just something simple aswell.. I know it's easy me trying to tell you not to worry but honestly it'll just make matters worse believe me.


01-02-15, 03:55
I haven't googled anything, I'm too scared, I've only posted on here. It just feels so uncomfortable. I know exactly when it started.

4 days ago or so I had a big meal in the early evening, out with some friends. Then I came home and ate more food a few hours later as I train in the gym and am supposed to eat every 3-4 hours. Now I really had to force feed myself as I wasn't hungry at all and was still pretty full from that big meal. That night I woke up around 3am with a horrible pain in my back like my oesophagus was straining/burning and since then. it just feels like it's been pulled. Every swallow I feel a slight strain, and I feel it go all the way down to my stomach which then gurgles. I'm just really worried. I am sure it's indigestion but lasting days like this?

01-02-15, 09:46
I've experienced this.. I think it's normal for it to feel tender for a few days - You over stretched it! Plus because you are worrying you are focussing on it which can lead to a globus feeling. Give it two weeks and if it doesn't go go to your gp. I think that's what a sensible non ha person would do. In the meantime try not to think about it. I know that's hard.


01-02-15, 12:51
Have you had it where it's lasted days though? I don't mean the initial instance of when it happens every now and then, I've had that a few times over the years and think nothing of it. But it's never sort of felt like it's done some damage that has now lasted for days...

01-02-15, 13:02
Yes... Your oesophagus is a part of your body like any other and will take time to heal.

I once burnt my oesophagus really badly and it took weeks to get better.

01-02-15, 13:58
Really? Well you have reassured me a bit. I'm still going to go to the GP but I don't feel as panicked. I've just never had this before... it kind of threw me off that this can happen. I've always been a bit funny with swallowing due to anxiety so something like this has just set me off. How did you feel when you burnt it?

01-02-15, 14:34
It really hurt... The back of my throat was purple! It hurt to swallow, but not like burning pain but aching... Similar to when u swallow something too big (or a big glug of water) lasted ages. Was horrible. Pub blackberry crumble that was reheated in the microwave... Crumble was fine the sugary bit was boiling...

When I have acute anxiety about something I fine writing down all the other things it could be in a list helpful. Avoid seeking reassurance...you're going to the dr there is nothing more you can do, worrying won't change it! All the best but I think you're fine... This is v v common with anxiety. Xxx

01-02-15, 14:47
Appreciate the replies, that does sound painful!

It definitely happened on the night I had a very big meal, and then pretty much force fed myself a few hours later to get my required food intake for training... lol.

I woke up that night with a horrible pain in my back and throat. I guess logically based on that I've just strained it or had bad acid that damaged it that night...