View Full Version : Do I have health anxiety?

01-02-15, 05:27
So, This is the first time I've ever been on a forum so I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that I need to talk about what's been on my mind for weeks now.

I'm 19 years old and basically I think I'm dying. I did the dreaded thing of 'Googling my symptoms' which include slight lower abdominal pain and from time to time lower back pain. Google came up with CANCER- Ovarian and Cervical cancer to be precise. I know i should never ever Google my symptoms and I wish I never did. I've been to the doctors and she said she thinks it's a water infection and she's given me anti biotics... She said that if I've noticed no difference once the course has finished then I need to go back for a urine sample and more tests (they didn't work) and I am FREAKING OUT.

Whilst all of this has been happening over the past few weeks I've found myself getting really worked up.. I have moments where I have severe palpitations and feel like I'm not in my own body. I feel dizzy and not aware of my surrounding and then that makes me panic even more. I was just wondering if any one else has these symptoms related to anxiety? It's really getting me down and as a 19 year old I should be out enjoying my life and I'm just not... I find myself not going out because I'm scared of it happening whilst I'm out and not knowing what to do.

This isn't the first time I've done this, around 2 years ago I convinced myself that I had breast cancer.. I was up most nights worrying not getting any sleep thinking that I was dying. Eventually I got over it but since then I have been googling my symptoms and find myself digging deeper into illness' that I've never even heard of or have the symptoms for and convincing myself that I have them. It's something that I think about every single day and and the symptoms just keep getting worse.

I've read a few posts now from a couple of years back and one lady said that by googling symotoms and over thinking them she found that she was developing them. I don't know if that's the case for me or not but I was just hoping that someone maybe by some slight of chance may have the same things as I do regarding the (what I think is) anxiety and could offer some in-sight as to what I should do?...

It's currently 05:25 am where I am in the world, I came to bed at 1am and still no sleep. This just keeps playing round and round in my mind... If you've took the time to read this then thank you so much and any information you could provide would be much appreciated.

01-02-15, 07:14
You are not alone. Definitely health anxiety yes. I do the dreaded Dr google too. You don't have anything serious. Just try and relax. We are all hear for you.

01-02-15, 09:06
Definitely health anxiety. Everything you've said I do myself. Dr Google is dangerous to me as everything I google comes back as cancer of one thing or another. I use it to prepare myself of worst case scenario, but have tried to stop using it as it only makes my anxiety worse. I do also see what symptoms to expect for a condition I've convinced myself I have and then surprise surprise I start getting them. Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing to me so I have started telling myself what is the most common cause of whatever symptoms they are, and so far the majority of my issues have all been caused by my anxiety. Health anxiety is the worst but it is simply that, anxiety. I have no doubt in my mind that you are fine but it's about you starting to think that way that important.

01-02-15, 09:53
Definitely health anxiety. Everything you've said I do myself. Dr Google is dangerous to me as everything I google comes back as cancer of one thing or another. I use it to prepare myself of worst case scenario, but have tried to stop using it as it only makes my anxiety worse. I do also see what symptoms to expect for a condition I've convinced myself I have and then surprise surprise I start getting them. Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing to me so I have started telling myself what is the most common cause of whatever symptoms they are, and so far the majority of my issues have all been caused by my anxiety. Health anxiety is the worst but it is simply that, anxiety. I have no doubt in my mind that you are fine but it's about you starting to think that way that important.

Thankyou, really. I woke up this morning from having about 3 hours sleep with a pit in my stomach and now I can't get back to sleep so I came straight on here. You've really helped by telling me that it's not just me I already feel a little better.. I'm going to try my hardest to tell myself that I am okay and that its just in my head. Hopefully it will work a little. Thankyou