View Full Version : Constant worry is wearing me down!

01-02-15, 09:58
I have had HA for some years now. I have taken citalapram which helped enormously alongside CBT. I have been off citalapram for over a year now but these ladt few months I have found myself returning to a state of constant worry.
I continually check myself for bumps and lumps and take a keen interest in my bowel movements. I have noticed that recently these have become soft so now I am convinced I have bowel cancer.
I jump from one thing to another. Every day I have some worry about my health. It's wearing me out. I am considering going back to discuss this with my GP. Can anyone give me any advice?
Just helps to write these things down.

01-02-15, 22:42
Read dr Claire weekes book self help for your nerves