View Full Version : Health Anxiety

01-02-15, 11:11
Hi for the past 6 years or so occasionally I will experience a pain from my ear down my jaw and at the same time across my upper back. It frightens the life out of me. I do suffer from high Anxiety IBS and Acid reflux. I went to the Dr Friday as I had an episode Thursday night which sent me into sheer panic. He felt my shoulders and neck I told him what had happened. He said my back and neck was very knotted and said I would benefit from a massage, I finally relented also into having Amiltriptylene 10mg. This morning talking to someone on FB and she said this happened to her before she had her Heart attack. I went into panic...my Dr did not listen in to my heart I am so afraid something is going to happen. Has anyone else had this please! Is my Dr right and should I not see a Cardiac specialist. I have always had missed heat beats on and off. Ended up in A&E at one time but was cleared. I cannot help this infernal worrying it is the bain of my life. He said my blood pressure a little high but nothing to worry about.

01-02-15, 13:20
Hey, be happy it's gone on for so long. Usually heart attack symptoms only appear IMMEDIATELY before the attack. Nothing to worry about. :) Even then, anxiety can cause HUNDREDS of symptoms, including heart palpitations and a racing heart, even high blood pressure. Feel better!