View Full Version : Itching!

01-02-15, 12:19
Hi guys

I have been itching a week now and its really worrying me. Really scared of pancreatic cancer or lymphoma.�:.

Gonna go see a dr tomorrow, really frightened they will want to do blood tests.

Itching comes and goes and is mostly on upper left quadrant and back and under shoulder blade. My tummy is itchy too and ribs on left hand side.

My bf thinks it could be the Sertraline, but I've been on it 2 months now and never had this.

Trying to not think the worst but Im really frightened.

I have a vitamin D deficiency and I wonder if its to do with that. Something doesnt feel right though :(

Any advice or support appreciated xxx

01-02-15, 13:13
itching is quite common with anxiety, just the other night I was having an anxious episode and I got little blisters pop up on my skin that stung and eventually went as I calmed down, also going back a few years ago when my health anxiety was at its worst I use to have itching episodes to the point id itch so much my skin would bleed id come up with horrible hives and just cry as the itching was so intense, try not to worr to much as it can be very normal for anxiety, obviously see your gp but im sure its nothing more then anxiety or possibly your meds or even allergies :) xx

01-02-15, 13:18
Thanks for your reply :)

I have never had itching due to anxiety before and I dont think its an allergy. I am bruised too in the areas it itches but I think thats from the scratching.

Will see the dr but nervous about it . The itching feels worse when i think about it lol! It goes away for a bit and comes back. Really unnerving xxx

01-02-15, 17:14
Hi snowflake :) it could well be the sertraline. My friend takes it & she said i should the dr for it cos it makes her feel so much better but it does make her itch & she has problems in the bedroom but she thinks it's worth it x

01-02-15, 17:30
Thanks Pinky :)

I am seriously starting to think it could be the Sertraline now, although I've been on it a while - surely I would have had the itching before now? Also my itching is localised in general to one part of my body. Was your friends itching all over?

Oh yes I know all about the bedroom problems :( I had the same with other meds too, very annoying :( def worth it though, even with the side effects - my anxiety is so much better now I am on meds
