View Full Version : chest pains caused by a cough, whats normal?

01-02-15, 12:52
hi guys, hope your all battling your little socks off and beating anxiety!! I know im trying! :yahoo:anyhow iv had an awful cold well I think it was as it was all mainly in my head, rather then with flu you get achy and feverish etc well any way I started with a little cough during the worst of my cold but since my cold has started to improve the cough has gotten worse and I know that can be normal, well my question is really what pains are normal during a tickly cough? im getting a lot of chest rid and upper back discomfort and some times a sharp pain upon breathing in, on the side of my chest and centre, some of the pains feel like pulled muscles but some feel like stinging pains and sharp deep pains, is that all normal?? im not just getting the pains when I cough either, recently my fear has been PE and I spoke to someone wh0o had one and they said they had a persistent cough as a symptom, so as you can imagine the anxiety ruled part of my brain is ringing alarm bells because of the chest pains and the cough and the logical side of my brain where ever that's hidden :winks: is saying the cough is from the cold and the pains are from coughing and possibly anxiety although I know some of the pains are definitely caused by the cough, can any body explain the types of pains and where they get them in the chest when they have had a cough for a few days, thank you for your time xx