View Full Version : smacked side of head on car door. would you go to A&E

01-02-15, 16:14
I smacked my head on the side of the door an hour ago. Didn't black out,it's not bleeding/no dizziness or headache. I just have a very tender lump and it hurts when I open my mouth wide in the area where I hit it. It's in my hairline about just above my eyebrow,

Would you get it checked out? I'm trying to be sensible about it.

01-02-15, 16:15
I would say only if you feel any dizziness or headache. I've done this quite a few times lol.

01-02-15, 16:18
it hurts doesn't it :D so sore

01-02-15, 16:21
I would imagine that as you have described how you feel and you don't sound concussed you have bruised your head and its radiating down your face.
Normally to require medical attention you would probably have blacked out or being sick etc, Just sit quietly and maybe take paracetamol if your ok with them and don't press it, if its sore it might last a couple of days.
If you do get any major symptoms not due to anxiety then ring NHS direct.

01-02-15, 16:26
I've smacked my head on open cupboard doors so many times... and every time I get so angry at myself for doing it lol. Our skulls are resilient little things :)

01-02-15, 16:27
I fell backwards after smacking the top of my head on a metal door too a few months ago. I felt extremely dizzy and sick all day. Went to A&E after about 9 hours of feeling awful. They checked my peripheral vision and a (very hot) doctor made me squeeze his hands.
It was a pleasant experience (haha!) but he said that I'm fine, and with head injuries you only need medical treatment if you pass out, vomit, have a worsening headache.
If you are worried you can go to A&E and wait for an hour or two, but if your feeling generally ok apart from a sore head, you're going to be A-OK. You're skull is pretty thick, and there's fluid around your brain that protects your head. There's only so much a knock from a car door when you or the car was not moving at any high speed can do.
Hope you feel better soon!

01-02-15, 16:28
If you feel drowsy, nauseous, dizzy/woozy and a bad headche, then yes, you would need to just get checked out. The safe period is 4 hours post injury...if you have had no signs such as those, you are fine.

Like any nasty bang to the head, some pain is expected, maybe some bruising or a lump which is usually par for the course.

As long as you watch for any signs, you will be fine I am sure.