View Full Version : Feeling of food stuck in chest, lower throat and back

01-02-15, 18:34
Hi guys,

Haven't posted in around a yr, but have been looking at posts all the time.

I have a sensation of food stuck in my throat, chest and back, it's like that feeling when u eat to quick and it's sharp and hurts and u feel it going down, I've had it for a few days now and it's been constant today.

I do have acid reflux and take lansoprozole and also gaviscon advance daily, i think it may be indigestion but not sure? I'm also bloated and not wanting to eat, I've suffered badly this week with ibs and acid reflux.

I have looked into the globus sensation thing but that only tends to be in the throat.

Anyone had any similar experiences?


01-02-15, 21:48
I've had the exact same thing since Wednesday. Although for me it feels more like there is air trapped as I keep feeling the need to burp, but every time I swallow, even saliva, I feel it straining like the air is getting pushed down, and I feel it in my chest and back. I think I strained my oesophagus when I ate too much on Tuesday... But yeah I feel ya!

01-02-15, 22:23
Thanks for ur reply, it's a pain in the arse! And it bloody hurts, frustrated as I'm hungry as hell and can't eat :-( oh we'll those couple of pounds i put on at Xmas will have disappeared soon lol

01-02-15, 23:06
Haha yeah, I usually eat 5-6 meals a day because of gym training... It's really affecting that at the moment as you can imagine. And I'm spending so long chewing each mouthful... sigh... I hope we both feel better soon!

04-02-15, 06:08
Welcome to the world of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I've had it for a few months now. At first it though I was choking constantly or I was having an allergic reaction to something that was making my throat swell. After a few visits with ENT I found out it was Laryngopharyngeal Reflux which is the silent reflux. It takes longer to treat but isn't deadly just extremely annoying.

04-02-15, 11:37
Can you explain how it feels for you?

Mine isn't high up in the throat... it's more a pain between the shoulder blades in my back and the corresponding area in my chest... feels like it's full of air but I can't relieve it...