View Full Version : anyone suffer with these pains??

Red angel
01-02-15, 19:32
hi I've not been on here for a while but think I need your help I've been suffering with stomach pains for a good few months now which I have put down to my GAD and PD but recently I woke up with a bad pain in my back I think id trapped a nerve anyway cut a long story short I've been having pain from my left shoulder blade that goes to my shoulder and into my chest and under my arm pit this pain isn't there constantly but it is scaring me as I also get pins and needles in both arms and hands I know these are classic symptoms of anxiety but I've never had pains like this has anyone else had them? I will be making an appointment to the doctors if they carry on but I cant help but put it off because I'm scared to have tests ect x

Dan Wales
01-02-15, 19:43
I get the pins and needles in my arms. Try to calm down it's your anxiety making you scared.

Red angel
01-02-15, 19:49
I've had the pins and needles loads of times and know its because I'm panicking its just the pains they are really annoying me I just feel pains all the time x