View Full Version : flutters, currents and tinglinfg

12-01-07, 23:07
hey guys me again

oh no i here you say

today has been a rather bad day for me,

*i have been getting flutters in my body, chest, breast and tummy area
also a feeling like makes me jump up as though something is just about to happen, when this happens my head goes funny, kinda tight an numb.*

my body has the strangest feeling like an electric current is passing through it,
and my upper teeth and nose feel strange, it has been a horrible day.

earlier my whole face felt tight and numb, i have ran up and jumped into bed 3 times today, something which i havent done in months.

pls pls

have any of you had any of or all of these feelings? mainly the paragraph that has a star on it.


" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

12-01-07, 23:29
hi there,

your description sounds like how i feel when i am a state of anxiety, i wouldn't have known how to put it into words but thats how i feel too.
Its the anxiety your feeling
((((hugs)))) its bloody awful isint it,

love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

13-01-07, 13:39
thanks anxs,

its good to know im not alone

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

13-01-07, 16:29
hey does anyone else get this?

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

14-01-07, 16:28
i must be the only one lol
awh well

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"