View Full Version : I may have swallowed a tiny bit of glass? need some reassurance, Very worried?

01-02-15, 20:36
I was drinking from a wine glass and noticed a tiny piece missing from the rim of the glass - a little shard maybe 3-4mm long. And maybe 1-2mm wide. More like a sliver.

Now I'm really worried I swallowed it and it'll cut my insides :(

I don't know if I definitely swallowed it, because I think I would have felt something.

This was about 3 hours ago. No pain or anything.

I'm just so scared it'll cut my intestines and stuff :(

I remember talking to a doctor last time about something similar and he said they wouldn't be able to detect such a small object on x ray so I don't know what to do really :(

01-02-15, 20:47
Try not to worry Hun, u would have know if it had broke off and gone into ur mouth, u probably chipped it whilst washing up and didn't notice I do this all the time. Try and rationalise ur thoughts, I know it's hard. It's been three hours now and u haven't had any pain etc the probability of it happening now are minimal. If you are still worried in the morning try and call ur dr for a chat x

01-02-15, 21:41
Thank you, I'm trying not to think about it right now. I'm sure a lot of people have done something similar and lived to tell the tale, but yeah I get worried about my stomach, GI tract etc a lot recently, no idea why. It will have been tiny, less than a grain of rice, and thin too, like I said, a little sliver of glass. I'm keeping a watch for any symptoms but it's hard not to worry.

I'm eating plenty of bread and veggies now.

Has anyone actually done this before and gotten through it? It'd be great to hear some reassuring stories.

I actually noticed a few chips in my glasses before. I'm hoping this got chipped a while ago and I just notice now.