View Full Version : Coming off mirtazipine advice please

01-02-15, 20:40
Hi everyone I have been coming of mirtazipine slowly from 45mg I'm now taking half a 15mg tablet every other night and tonight Is marking a week of that I just wondered how long should I take one miss one for? Or should I start taking one miss two days? Hope I haven't confused any one haha

02-02-15, 20:04
Have you had any adverse reactions to cutting down from 45mgs? At the moment your are taking 7 of 7.5mg tablets a fortnight. If you have had any withdrawal problems I would take it very slowly and taper down to 6 of 7.5mgs tablets in a fortnight, the next fortnight take 5 tablets, the next, four tablets etc etc , spacing out the tablets as evenly as possible over each fortnight. If you have had no problems getting down to this dose, then you could try taking one 7.5mgs tablet every 2 days for a fortnight, then every 3 days etc.