View Full Version : Not feeling great - stupid HA

01-02-15, 21:54
Hi guys,

So im feeling pretty low :-( My HA is back in full force & it's awful. My HA is weird. I don't worry about everything anymore - so I do think in some ways it's improved but I constantly worry about having MS. I've got another neuro appt next week as had lots of weird symptoms with migraines. The Dr is concerned with migraines but not anything else. Last year I went to the neuro because of similar symptoms.

I know I have anxiety but sometimes I find it hard to trust that anxiety can cause such physical symptoms. I am so worried & scared they'll say I have early onset of MS. I cannot get it out of my head.

My appt is 11th February. I don't know what im asking for here but just someone to talk to really :-)

01-02-15, 22:36
Oh Hun, sorry u r feeling so down, is there anyone close to u that u can confide in?

I think many health anxiety suffered have had a fear or thought of having MS, myself included. I had a brain scan as I would get the most awful headaches, tingling, loss of sensation, poor memory, fatigue, muscle pains etc and it came back all clear on the ms front what I actually had was migraines /Trigeminal neuralgia, along with extreme anxiety, which was causing some of my symptoms!
Try not to worry Hun x