View Full Version : Please Help - Can't Pee!!

02-02-15, 08:46
Hello Everyone,

I would grateful if anyone could help please!!!

For about 4 years I have difficulty peeing. I am quite intune with my body and often practiced baddler control and could pee like pedagree dog (stop/ start). I noticed that due to my work I was holding my pee for hours upon hours. I notice that after a while I could not stop peeing or kept having the urge to pee. I went to the doctors, who advised me to visit the gum clinic which I did and got the all clear. I was then given some medication to relax my bladder as I was told that the shape of the bladder has changed. After prolong medication and a course after course with no real improvement, I was refered to the specialist. The specialist believed it was a inflammed prostate (after sticking his finger up my bottom) and gave me a course antibiotics. Initially there was some improvement again but I was advised that if the symptoms continue I would need to go a prolong course of antibiotics. I have been placed on ciproflcacin 500g for over 5 months now and decided to come off them as I was getting sick all the time and started getting axious, delusional and due to the nature of my work I could not continue on the medication. I tried ringing both the doctors and the specialist and could not get an answer.
At present I am getting some lower abs pain and peeing around 40-50 times a day with only about 10ml coming out. I have push quite hard and even come up with ways to encourage myself to pee like (tap running, cold air, etc). I was told by the specialist that I need to ejaculate often to clear the bacteria but I cant believe this is right? I havent slept a full night sleep for 4 years and often when i finish peeing and walk away about 30 secs later I dribble on myself.

I am seeing the specialist on the 17th and any help would appreciate to bring the the attention of the specialist as I feel I am getting given medication and ask to monitor my conditions rather than them carrying out test to discover the problem.

I dont know about others, but I am begining to think this problem will be with me forever. I am not diabetic, nor believe to have kidney stones. I am 32 years of age and the lack of sleep, continuous peeing has finally caught up with.

Any help would be really appreciated.

02-02-15, 13:13
Hi anon2015,

Welcome! I'm sorry you are having such a rough time right now.

I am not exactly sure how things go for guys, but in terms of urinary infections in women, the same thing occurs. We have an urge to pee, go frequently but barely anything comes out at all. This is very, very indicative of the presence of infection, as is the lower abdominal pain. Classic signs.

The 'dribbling' issue is also a very common thing for guys, by all accounts. My boyfriend has been suffering the same for a long time, and only mentioned it to me a few months ago. Apparently, this is purely because urine collects in a part of the urethra, because it is curved in shape, and it kind of gets stuck, so when peeing, you have to kind of 'milk' the part of the urethra right behind the scrotum...just move your fingers forwards with a firm pressure. This is where the pee gets trapped, so you then release it. So that issue is shared my many men, so please try not to worry too much about that one.

The issues you mention don't sound - to me at least - like they cannot be resolved or helped. I am not too up on men's ailments (I only nursed little men, ie. children lol) but it does sound to me like an inflammatory process is creating your horrible symptoms in the main. I know you are finding the antibiotics tough, but may it be worth persevering with them, or discussing a change of antibiotics if these are not agreeing with you? It may be worth chatting in depth either with your GP or the specialist about this. I would reckon your GP may be best, as the 17th is a hell of a long wait when you are worried.

I hope things settle down for you soon. :hugs:

02-02-15, 13:32
Hi Anon,

This sounds purely like a medical issue as opposed to an anxiety issue and you're doing the right things in getting it resolved. I can certainly understand how this would cause you distress though. I don't think it was wise to stop the medication without the doctors supervision or authorization. Prostate and urinary issues are somewhat prevalent in men over 50 (I have some slowing of flow at 55) but what you're experiencing is severe.

I do hope you get it sorted.

Positive thoughts

02-02-15, 20:02
Debs71 & fishmanpa - thank you so much for all your kind comments and advice. I was in so much distress that I began the course of antibiotics along with a medication that relaxes the body.. Is there anything I should bring to the attention of the specialist on the 17th?!

Have a pleasant evening.
Thanks again.