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View Full Version : Postnatal anxiety- waking up with the feeling of dread.

02-02-15, 09:10
Dear all,

I need some support and advice.

I have a 5 week old son and I have been anxious ever since he was born. He is a good boy- he doesn't cry much, but I am finding it overwhelming.

After a week or so, I have been waking in the morning, with feelings of dread. I have my stomach churning and try to go back to sleep but it is unbearable. My thoughts are usually- not another day or looking after my son (I am finding it tough- adjusting to my new role).

I just wondered if anyone else had this and how they coped.

Does this ever go away or get better?

Any help please.


02-02-15, 11:11
Hi I had the exact same after my son was born 14 years ago, infact I had my first ever panic attack in the hospital a few days after I had had him, I was only 20 at the time and my son was in special care as he was very poorly I absolutely petrified, I finally sought help from my Gp and health visitor when he was about 3 weeks old and I was put on citalopram and it really helped, the anxiety and dread finally lifted and I was able to enjoy my son. Please speak to your Gp, you don't have to suffer alone XX

02-02-15, 12:47
What a wonderful reply. Thank you. Did you come off of the meds in the end? Were you ok?

Best wishes,


04-02-15, 16:15
Anyone else?

04-02-15, 17:56
Hi yes I did eventually come off the meds, I think it was prob a year later? the meds really helped me and I was able to enjoy my son without that dreaded fear and anxiety. I hope your feeling a bit better xx

17-02-15, 14:41
Thanks Nicola. I have been put on fluoxetine and only 2weeks in, I am feeling awful x

17-02-15, 15:20
That'll be the side effects hun, i increased my venlafaxine nearly 3 weeks ago and I've been feeling awful too, try and bare with it, it should start to settle soon, i know how hard it is especially when you've got a newborn. Have you spoke to your Gp? They might beable to prescribe you a small dose of Diazepam to help you thro? XX

17-02-15, 17:41
Thanks - I will try my best- but rapidly losing the will to live!!x

17-02-15, 18:02
I totally hear you!! I'm feeling the same after increasing my dose, had a good couple of days then wham the anxiety is back :( the meds just have to level out in our bodies, hang on in there XX

17-02-15, 18:40
Thanks Nicola. How come you have been put on different tablets this time.

Keep strong too.

Best wishes,


17-02-15, 19:14
Unfortunately the citalopram didn't work for me this time around, i think it's because I've been on and off it since I was 18 and I'm now 34, my Gp said it's quite common as your body to sort of becomes immune to them...wish I'd never come off them in the first place! XX

18-02-15, 18:06
Ok I wonder why he did not recommend Prozac?

How are you feeling?

18-02-15, 18:17
They said because prozac is try similar to citalopram as in its an SSRI and venlafaxine is the a SRNI, im still very much struggling with the side effects especially the heightened anxiety. How are you? XXXX

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

I have been on this dose before of venlafaxine but it was lowered last year as I was pregnant but unfortunately I suffered a miscarriage and completely crashed so it was increased again 3 weeks ago XX

19-02-15, 11:40
Oh Nicola, I am so sorry to hear this.

Sending you hugs.

What sort of side effects are you feeling?


19-02-15, 11:46
Thankyou, im having increased anxiety, nausea and the shakes, it's the increased anxiety that is getting me, it's unbearable. How are you feeling today? XX

19-02-15, 12:13
Just feeling very low and too anxious too sleep-it is exhausting.

How many weeks in are you?


19-02-15, 14:18
I was increased 3 weeks ago today but not sure I can stand it much longer. It's awful feeling like this isn't it? XX

19-02-15, 14:34
It is- and I find that time is going so slow- I am almost climbing the walls.

How are you feeling now? We can get thru this together eh?


19-02-15, 14:47
I'm also climbing the walls :( I've not even managed to get dressed today, my Gp gave me Diazepam yesterday but it's not really helping to be honest. It must be so hard for you with looking after a newborn, i remember vividly when I had post natal anxiety, it was terrible, have you got any family close to you that can help? I had to rely on my mum alot. Fortunately my son's 14 now but I'm still struggling to cook him meals etc plus he worries as he can see I'm not well XX

19-02-15, 18:07
It makes me wonder how people coped without the medication?

Feeling a little but better but only because another day is almost over and we got through it.

How are you now-you are really keeping me going.

Can your son cook something or you get a take away today?


19-02-15, 18:16
Well I managed to cook some pasta and forced some down me too altho it was a struggle, its so frightening feeling like this isn't it? I feel like a frightened little girl and my legs are so shaky I don't feel like they will carry me.
Keep strong hun as you will get thro this, its just baby steps at the minute but things will improve xx

19-02-15, 18:45
Aw thanks my lovely. I know what you mean, I feel so frightened. No appetite, cannot sleep properly, sweaty, feeling miserable. On top of that I have a cold :(
The hours are just dragging too- do you feel like that? X

19-02-15, 19:12
Yep I feel exactly the same, im forever clock watching waiting till I can go to bed to try and get some respite altho im not sleeping great either, im having vivid weird dreams and was wide awake at 3 this morning tossing and turning and fidgeting because I'm so restless, i absolutely hate it, I've been having to go for a lie down during the day too, curled up in a ball praying it would all stop :( XX

20-02-15, 06:06
That is exactly that same as I feel. It is awful. Message me as many times as you like if it helps. It is really helping me messaging you.

How far down the road are you now? I think you said 3 weeks before?


20-02-15, 06:29
Hi hun, how are you feeling today? I'm still very shaky and anxious, just took my meds, it's been 3 weeks now since I increased so I was hoping they might have kicked in a bit by now. I wished I'd never lowered them but I was doing what I thought was best for my baby but unfortunately as you know I miscarried and I was fine for a bit after but I think I was numb and in shock as I went thro the miscarriage on auto pilot then I just literally crashed having panic attacks and bad anxiety again. I know I'm still grieving for my baby but I'm hoping the increase helps me to beable to deal with my loss rationally instead of this anxious mess that I am :( I did manage to sleep a bit better last night, i kept waking up but managed to get back off again. I'm going to take a Diazepam that the Gp has prescribed for me and going to try and get another hours sleep as I feel exhausted from the constant fighting with anxiety.
I really hope your feeling a bit better today even if it's just a tiny bit it's a start, your doing really well, i remember how hard and scary it was after I had my son and was suffering, i felt like I'd never get better but I did, it just takes time and patience but unfortunately when we feel like this we have no patience we want immediate relief. Hang on in there, im here if ever you want to talk XX

20-02-15, 15:02
How are you today Nicola?

I am feeling a bit better today- hoping it will last- but unlikely as only early days (2 weeks 2 days in).

Was climbing the walls yesterday.

I hope you are having a better day.


20-02-15, 15:22
Hi hun, glad your feeling a bit better, the anxiety hasn't been so intense today so I've forced myself to go out to the shop, i didn't feel like it but I did it which is progress I guess! At least we haven't got that wall climbing anxiety like yesterday, that was just unbearable XX

20-02-15, 15:28
It totally was, I am hoping that we are over the worst- fingers crossed xx

21-02-15, 07:53
Hey Nicola,

How are you?

Thinking of you.


21-02-15, 14:23
Hi hun how are you today? I was feeling calmer until I read on Facebook that someone's parent and passed away and it filled me full of panic and I had this awful feeling of dread that overwhelmed me and scared the life out of me so I had to take a Diazepam to try and calm myself down. I hope your feeling a bit better today XX

21-02-15, 15:35
Oh no- how awful- especially when you think that you are coping well.

Were you feeling ok apart from that?


21-02-15, 16:08
I wasn't feeling too bad, slightly anxious but that just sent me over the edge to the point I thought I was going to have a full blown attack :(
how are you today? XX

21-02-15, 18:01
You poor thing. Are you feeling better now?


21-02-15, 18:36
I'm feeling alot better now thankyou. How are you? Have you felt any better today? XX

21-02-15, 19:55
I have felt ok today thanks. Just weird pains in teeth?? Side effect of pregnancy or the tablets?? Who knows.

Glad you are feeling better.

Let's hope tomorrow is a good day too.

Keep me posted on how you get on.

21-02-15, 20:29
Your prob grinding your teeth in your sleep hun, it's a common anxiety symptom and also can be a side effect of meds, i had it on citalopram. Really pleased your feeling better, let's hope we're both on the way up now XX

22-02-15, 15:48
Hi hun how are you feeling today? I've had a much better day today, hardly any anxiety but I'm not counting my chickens yet!! XX

22-02-15, 16:31
Yes same here, not much anxiety- bit got in uneasy feeling following me- must be the cold.

Glad you are having a better day
