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View Full Version : Dizzy Vertigo - Health anxiety or not? Need an answer or help...

02-02-15, 11:40
Hi again guys,

So been feeling a bit better over the weekend and then bam had another weird spell at work.

Sat there reading my phone and suddenly I get a weird sensation up my neck, feels like really hot and tense for about 5 seconds then i feel like im dropping and start to spin for a split second my hands go all a bit tingly and then im back to normal again.

Sometimes by eyes will flicker but this time they didn't. I was looking down at the time but was in the same position for about 2mins when the dizzy 'zap' happened.

I get these weird vertigo spells as well as bouncey floors/ walking on marshmallows (think this is down to anxiety)

Ive suffered with the zaps for over 2 years now and I just don't know what to do. I want to go back to the doctor but i've had MRI's of my head, ECG's balance and nerve testing... So feel i have exhausted all my options.

Some people have mentioned canadia overgrowth other mention labrynthitis but I just don't know :S

I am confused and so scared its going to set my anxiety off again as i feel its under control at the moment.

If anyone has any advice, similar stories etc would love to get some advice :)

02-02-15, 13:31
I find that holding my head in one position, usually a little forward, for few mins sends a stiffness kind of sensation up my neck, my shoulders tense and I get the dizzy feel with it. Im told its coming from very tight upper trapezius muscles.

02-02-15, 22:02
Thank you!
That could well be it as it sounds very similar! X

03-02-15, 10:40
Just a thought.. If you place right hand on your right knee and then reach over your right shoulder with your left hand, can you feel ,putting on a bit of pressure, a bruised type feeling on your upper back muscle. Try it opposite way as well..i.e. left hand on left knee. That's usually a good indication that the trapezius it tensed,knotted up.

03-02-15, 13:32
Arghhh its really really bad again.

I honestly feel like I am about to die....

I keep getting zap after zap and the only thing thats making me wonder what it is, is my neck is on absolute fire... I wonder if the whole thing is just from tension? It sends my eyes all funny as well :(

Im finding it so so hard to cope...

03-02-15, 14:11
I get a tight feeling behind one eye with it when the shoulder is very tense.

03-02-15, 19:11
I'm new here but I've had the exact same symptoms for years. I don't sleep well and usually put it down to that, but it still terrifies me!

03-02-15, 21:03
I get the exact same feeling, the weird sensation in my neck, the dizziness, feeling as though I'm about to drop, and every time it happens I am always left dazed and confused. I have no idea what it is or what causes it. I thought it was just a panic attack but it's not the same.

03-02-15, 21:13
I hate to say it but Its nice to know I'm not alone.
Today was terrible... Started off with my usual numb and tingling face which j think is down to hyperventilation.

But after lunch I start getting weird waves of dizzy spells... I then get terrible hot and tension sensations up my neck... My eyes start playing up and I can't concentrate or focus... It's horrible and I start feeling terrible :(

I don't know what it is and I've had enough of this over 2 years now :(

03-02-15, 21:27
I fully understand where you're coming from, the hardest part is feeling as though you're alone, nobody really understands what you're going through and how you're feeling. Maybe counselling or seeing a therapist? I've never tried it myself but I am seriously considering it because I don't know how much more I can take. Are you on any type of medication?

03-02-15, 21:42
Not any medication and had 6 weeks CBT About 2 years ago and finished a 20 week intensive therapy about 6 months ago. I start group therapy next week... I just find it so difficult to realise it's all anxiety... I don't know how it can come so randomly :s

03-02-15, 23:21
I get the same thing and it's all coming from my neck. When it first happened I totally freaked out and had massive panic over it but luckily my husband treats injuries and was able to sort it out for me. I hate the dizzy feeling so still get anxious when it starts despite knowing what is causing it. My vertebrae in my neck have a habit of becoming misaligned which affects all the muscles etc. it is made worse by all the neck forward stuff we do with phones and laptops. I try hard to limit my time and would recommend getting a good therapist to check out your neck or have a massage to loosen everything up. X

04-02-15, 09:41
Thanks for replying Ange...

Do you ever get electric shock type sensations down your arms when it happens? It scares me so much and feels like someone is pulling my head down and everything goes all fuzzy and just weird and then it causes a panic attack.

I think im stuck in a vicious circle.

Right what you say about phones etc - i noticed i sit really far forward and really push my head out when im on my laptop and I have dual screen meaning i am looking to one side a fair bit which doesn't help!

04-02-15, 10:24
Ive had some weird sensations with my dizzys.. 15 years ago when the first episode started it was like walking on sponge or zaps you mention .I would get tingles on head ,neck,face too. It went away for 10 years, I had such tension that time I had a muscle go into spasm and had a head tremor and muscle twitches, also one episode of spinning vertigo.
This time, 5 years on I turned in bed awkwardly and felt I was pulled backwards, awful feeling. BPV ruled out and it was said to be from my neck,shoulder tension with muscles in spasm. Couple months ago the worst sensation was feeling like muscles gone to sleep in hip and shoulder and as I stood I would get the awful pulled back feeling again . One time I got up in night and sudden rush as if someone had grabbed me round waist and pulled me back. Ive been doing physio which has helped a lot.