View Full Version : fear blood clot or cancer coughed up blood

02-02-15, 14:14
I had sneezes and constantly dizzyness still do accept sneezing has gone and I started with a chest ache and throat ache especially when drinking breathing or coughing I haven't got a violent cough it does not even seem powerful but I coughed up a streak of blood dark blood with little like dried bits in it that was darker I'm freaking out as iv read all sorts of things including lung cancer and blood clot

02-02-15, 14:21
Do you have a swelling on one of your legs? Generally a blood clot start in one of the calves, the skin color would change there and it gets tender. The best thing to do is see a doctor ofcourse but in case of a blood clot, you would be having severe chest pain. The blood is probably caused by throat irritation, I don't think it's lung cancer. It's related to age and life style.

02-02-15, 20:01
The fact that you've been coughing and having throat pain. You're throat is probably irritated. If you had a blood clot you'd be short of breath. Stay away from googling. Worst case scenario is the one we're drawn to. I wish I could take my own advice. Hugs.

02-02-15, 22:03
Thanks iv been to walk in doctors and he said my chest sounds clear I have all the signs of a chest infection without one I have really bad tight achy chest and throat and I am short of breath although short of breathe when walking he said because he couldn't see me short of breathe he was no really concerned but I have a feeling this is it something bad is acually going to happen iv started wheezing and have a lot of phelm but I don't get where the wheezing and chest pain is coming from if I have not got a chest infection I really hope the blood is from irratation and not a miss diagnosed

02-02-15, 22:38

My daughter coughs up blood a lot, with chest infections, kind of strings of it. She often has a very irritated throat and that's where hers comes from. The membranes are quite delicate there and coughing can really irritate them. Have you ever blown your nose when you have a cold and seen a bit of blood? It's like that.

You may have upper airway congestion, doctors don't worry about upper chest infections the same way they do about lower (at least, not in my experience - my daughter gets both a lot).

Walk in doctors see chest infections a lot, I'd try not to worry if he said you were okay.

Hope you feel better soon.

Claire X

07-02-15, 00:24
Nose bleeds can also cause this, If your nose and unknowingly bleed at night while laying on your back the blood can travel into your throat and irritate it, causing you to caught it up.