View Full Version : How Can I Tell If I'm Heading For A Breakdown??

13-01-07, 04:20
Hi, i hope i am finding everybody well this evening.

I have been having more anxious to the point I can't sleep. And if i do manage to sleep, i'm absolutely guarenteed a nightmare, and when i wake up, i feel so frightened and i don't move until i feel safe where i can recognise what is around me feels normal again. I feel like my life is slowly getting out of control again when i have been working so hard to try and get to a point where i've made progress, but i keep slipping back and i don't feel in control of what is happening around me. I felt like i was going to have a breakdown 2 years ago, but i somehow managed to fight through that. I am worried if i am yet to suffer "something" before i can get fully better!? I'm really confused, and i don't understand why i can't keep any consistency in my feelings even though i thought i had made a lot of progress even without the aid of meds and counselling, i've taken everything on myself and i've got this far now. I'm ever so dissapointed in myself for feeling this way.

Thank you for reading.

13-01-07, 13:26
Hi Phantasystar,

Lots of people here can relate to what you say and now you've joined this brilliant site you won't have to take everything on yourself. Everyone here is lovely. Never feel disappointed in yourself as what you are experiencing at the mo is just a wee blip and we all get them but we are all strong and support each other. xxx

Take Care


13-01-07, 13:41
Hey phantasy

Sorry to hear u are feeling like this. Im sure most ppl on here can relate, including me, that anxiety can be very frustrating and get you down. There will always be times we feel better or worse but it sounds like this is just a blip. I wouldnt advise you to try and cope with everything on your own as this seems to be adding pressure to yourself. Talking things through and sharing problems with other people can help immensley so don't be ashamed to seek help. There are plenty of ppl who will be supportive. I would also advise you to take out time in the day to relax, do deep breathing exercises and get more exercise to reduce stress. Also don't shut yourself off from people. Talking with others often helps keep things in perspective.
All the Best. Simon

13-01-07, 15:16
Hi to both of you and thank you ever so much for your advice. I am feeling a little bit better today, not great, but a little better. I just get these periods where i am just not in control of myself and of my feelings and it's hard to understand why. I don't want it to get worse, and i don't know if it could get worse, slowly it has been but then i seem to recover but a few days later right back down again. Talking does help, and i am glad i've come here to try and understand what is happening to me.

Thank you once again for your lovely responses.
Take Care.