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02-02-15, 18:39
If one had cancer would it always hurt? Does cancer pain/discomfort go away hen come back? Im asking becuase I have this weird feeling in my throat/neck. It's not super painful but really annoying. It's more near my right gland rather then my throat. But I can feel it when I swallow. It's not swollen, sometimes it hurts near my ear and jaw. This is so annoying. It feels like my glad turned into a rock but it feels exactly like the other one. It doesn't always hurt. I can sleep fine. It's when im awake that it bothers me. im in nervous overdrive over it. Idk if I should go to a dr cause im afraid he'll tell me im crazy and there's nothing there. also something else feeding into my fear is I've had a lot of mucous lately. It's usually clear, sometimes slightly yellow but im not sure if it's from the winter weather or if it has to do with my neck. Please!!!!

03-02-15, 18:32
Now im really starting to worry. The whole area under my jaw and ear is hard. Idk if it's tense muscles or if the lymph node is hard. If I use my hands it feels like the otherside but the right side just feels s bit harder in general, not the node itself. im going to give myself until next Monday and if it's not gona im going to a dr. I've seen him about this before and he just gave me muscle relaxers. I still have some I'll try to take before bed to see if it helps. if it was cancer it would just hurt where the lymph node is right? Cause I hurt on my shoulder and down my arm. Could all this be from a pinched nerve in my back? Sometimes my whole arm goes tingily when I move just right. The pain isn't just in my neck it's a good chunk of my neck, shoulder and arm. Im just scared of neck cancer since that's what's bothering me the most. Please say something helpful!

03-02-15, 20:34
Stop thinking about the C word. it's very very very unlikely..

I think you've diagnosed yourself there, the pinched nerve, if you are getting the tingling, and pain, it is likely that, and or muscle tension or both.

Honestly, please try and relax, it will be fine :)

03-02-15, 20:47
I know its unlikely since I've been having this for a year or so off and on. My uncle died of a tumor in his throat when he was in his 30s. But his was in his throat and the drs said he would have lived if he would have done something about it, it literally suffocated him and I have no problem breathing or swallowing so i know it's nothing in my throat it's on the side. Just stressing over it.