View Full Version : Sinus CT scan, scared!

02-02-15, 19:45
Hi I just had a sinus ct scan done on Friday and I have a cd of the scan. I'm 16 and had the scan done because I think I have a sinus tumor. I'm waiting for it to be reviewed, but I'm so scared because I looked at the cd, and the right side and left side of my face in the second image are different. Could this indicate a tumor? I attached a picture of the scan so you can see what I'm talking about. Also, in the first image part of my face is outlined in blue and I was wondering if anyone knows if this indicates cancer? I know only a doctor can review it, but if anyone has any insight, please let me know!

02-02-15, 20:11
No one here can tell as we're not trained to do so. Best to wait to speak with your doctor. That being said ans has been stated already, it would be near 0% chance based on your age and symptoms.

Positive thoughts

02-02-15, 21:42
Thanks I understand that no one here can tell me what it means, I was just hoping maybe someone had experience with a ct scan and maybe had some info. Does anyone know how long it typically takes for the doctor to review it?

03-02-15, 02:56
Radiologists review same day and send it csll report to ordering physician if it's serious. They don't just let these things pile up. If it was anything serious you'd get a call.
Why do you think you have a sinus tumor?
Hugs to you!

03-02-15, 03:55
Thanks for your reply. I'm worried it's a sinus tumor because I have watering out of only my right eye for 4 years now and only a right runny nostril. I saw an optometrist who said the eye was likely a blocked tear duct and I read that in someone my age a blocked tear duct is most likely a tumor, especially when theres no injury/inflammation. I also have a lot of swollen cervical lymph nodes

03-02-15, 18:36
Please let us know what doctos said about this.

03-02-15, 19:18
I had a sinus ct and got the cd that day ... I had my husband hold onto it so I wouldn't look and diagnose myself! I didn't have any tumors but did look after the all clear and both sides are not symmetrical. Anything can show up that is most likely not a tumor, such as a benign polyp, inflammation, or your normal anatomy.

03-02-15, 20:22
Thanks I just got the results and Im fine! I have no growths or tumors or anything. Now I'm just going to focus on dealing with my anxiety and getting better. I appreciate everyone's help!

04-02-15, 20:15
Good news liv.

04-02-15, 23:16
Great news Liv, I'm sure you're feeling great right now, I think you should start working on your anxiety to avoid such fears in the future. Good luck x