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View Full Version : Breast Screening HELP (women only)!

13-01-07, 09:33
Having passed the dreaded 50 mark in June, the expected letter arrived inviting me to the breast screening clinic. I am scared and despite pressure from my family dont want to go!!! Am convinced that if I go there will be a problem, so its best not to. I havent been for cervical screening for years and years for the same reason! Its not just being scared they will find something, its the shame pf being overweight and losing my dignity. Will people giggle and talk about me after I have
been? Will they comment on my weight or size. Maybe I should phone the unit an explaain how I feel but even that is sacry. Its like making a will, you are actually admitting that you are going to die and that is OK! Hubby dealt with all that. I said I'd go for my screening when he went to get his 'bits' checked!
Does anyone else feel like me? Any advice?

13-01-07, 10:31
hi your not alone ,im 53 ive had 2 letters to go for a breast scan and i havent had a smear for years .im a large woman to i know its silly and these test are important but i get so nervouse i make myself sick

13-01-07, 10:31
hi bearcrazy,

first i wanna say, 99% of results from all medical tests that are done are normal...good odds if you ask me..also,if you have been checking your breast your self, then you have even less to worry about...even if they did find something that you cant feel, it would be so small that it would be easily taken care of.
your health is much more important then what others may think of you and guarenteed they will have had all sorts of women come through there.

you will be fine, im sure of it...and it will be over quickly! so next time you go,it wont be so hard.
i totally understand the fear tho!!! im fine with all the tests that dont involve needles...lol..so although ive had my papsmear every 2 yrs and breast check, i havent been to the dentist in 10 years..ugh...so i know how you feel..

13-01-07, 11:18
Hi Bear, I hate going for smeaer tests but make myself go anyway. when I hit 50 I'll also go for a mammogram. I imagine the technicians will have seen it all before. I can't imagine that all the ladies who go along are svelte and A or B cups! Good luck in whatever you choose to do.


13-01-07, 12:06
'your health is much more important then what others may think of you and guarenteed they will have had all sorts of women come through there.'

Know what you're saying Peach, but to me its not, I am so scared of people making remarks an that I will panic and be trapped with my feelings in a room with a stranger!

13-01-07, 12:11
Hey Bear,

Oh honey course they won't comment on your weight and size. I'm sending you loads and loads and loads of big hugs hun. I'm here if you wanna gab. xxx

Take Care


13-01-07, 13:24
Hi bearcrazy!

Absolutely nothing to worry about love! I'm 52 and I've had two mammograms so far, and I was very aprehensive on my first one.

Everything is carried out in a very dignified way. You get changed in a cubicle i.e. just remove your bra (they advise you to wear a button through blouse) and when you get called in it's just you and the radiographer (think that's what they're called, might be wrong!)

You do get squished and squashed a bit - if you know what I mean! - but it's all over in about 5mins.

I went for mine in a mobile unit so there have only ever been me and two other ladies waiting together. Good opportunity to have a chat :) !! And remember, others will probably be feeling exactly the same as you!!

You'll be just fine - let us know how you get on!!

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

14-09-11, 08:45
In my Province women over the age of 40 are urged to get screened every 2 years. After you go once, you get a reminder every year in the mail and you can go every year if you like without cost. My wife goes every two years and the result comes in the mail a month later. That short visit gives her and me piece of mind.

14-09-11, 10:07
Due to my mother dying of breast cancer I paid for screening when I was 49 and had mammo and ultrasound- you only have to remove your top and bra and put on a gown, I am a big lady and the female radiographer ( they are always female for this) said that the bigger the boob the less pressure and discomfort is felt and I have to say it was nothing.

I saw a breast consultant privately and he recommended to only have mammo every 3 years as he said the radiation dose accumulates and can cause the very disease they are screening for so the nhs seems to have it right for once. He offered a yearly ultrasound and breast exam by consultant and unless anything utoward is found or felt no mammo other than 3 yearly.

I am now 50 but haven't as yet heard from nhs but will join their mammo screening every 3 years.

Never worry about what Drs etc think, I have a Dr friend and he says that its a job just the same as any other and he is more interested in the problem than the person ( harsh but true).