View Full Version : Drug abuse and Anixety

02-02-15, 20:46
Hey, im 25 years old and im a living, breathing wreck! I lost my mother from liver disease 3years ago she was only 59. I drank and took drugs alot after that I just couldnt cope! I couldnt face anyone or leave my house with out a drink down me otherwise id have panic attacks and feel like I was going to pass out.

But heres the deal, met a girl or should I say angel! And now we are expecting. I dont binge as much as I did but sometime I do and lose control, then the next day my heart is pounding im sweating and feel like I generally need the hospital! Ive asked for help at my gp but they never do anything!

Any advice? Please? im scared im going to be dead before I meet my son.

02-02-15, 22:01

I'm sorry to hear about your mum. That must have been very hard. X

Congratulations on your upcoming fatherhood too.

I cant offer any specific help, I like the odd glass of wine or 5, but don't really suffer with it - but I wondered if this link might help. It has a list of organisations that might be able to help you if you feel a bit out of control sometimes?


Good luck! I've heard people say recognising a problem and wanting to help yourself is a huge step, which you have already made.


02-02-15, 22:14
Thanks for you reply. Ive read the link and I know about the effects, just cant seem to shake it off! I used alcohol and drugs to block out the pain of losing my mother so suddenly. Now im addicted and no help is out there. I beg my doctor to help but they must of seen worse or something because they say im not that bad! But when I drink I dont have 4 pints I have around 15 pints few shots and then end up in a bag of class A. Its killing me and I can feel it. :(

02-02-15, 22:20
When I feel my GP isn't listening to me, I print out my posts from here and I take them with me. That usually makes them sit up! Idk Maybe try that?

Or perhaps try a different GP if you feel yours isn't listening to you?

Even my relatively normal levels of wine drinking is to block out unpleasant memories/ feelings. I think most people with addictions have other problems too. I find wine helps me, while I drink it, but I'm so much worse the next day I wonder if it's worth it at all.

Have you tried AA? http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/ or Addictions UK? https://www.addictionsuk.com/ or Frank? http://www.talktofrank.com/need-support or Addaction? http://www.addaction.org.uk/service-finder.asp?section=98&sectionTitle=Service+finder


02-02-15, 22:46
Thats a really good idea about taking this to my gp! Will try that. I have thought of AA meetings but id be too nervous to go I feel. Thank you so much for your reply I will take it all on board. X