View Full Version : So tired of all of this

02-02-15, 22:33
These past few days I've frequently felt
-a lot of dizziness, especially when walking
-short of breath (have not had this before and it's very scary) Feels like my left lung isn't working.
-not able to swallow on the first try and so it feels like my throat is closing up as I try and try to get it to work
-pains in random small section of my head for a few seconds
-pain in my upper left back and sometimes in my arms
-ectopic beats
-spasms in my stomach

I am so scared i'm going to stop breathing and collapse and die. I just don't know what to do the doctor doesn't listen.
I just want this all to stop. I can't do anything or enjoy anything and breathing exercises don't really help.
Surely a previously healthy 19 year old shouldn't be feeling all these things. I just don't understand.

03-02-15, 02:07
Your symptoms all signal anxiety. Anxiety causes awful physical symptoms. Every symptom you posted I've had. Of course it scared me but I am all too familiar with anxiety and this is what it sounds like. If your dr is not helping then find another. Anxiety is a real diagnosis. I'm sorry you feel this way. I've been there. Hugs

03-02-15, 18:05
I'm so worried I have some sort of undetected cancer that's causing these symptoms. And either I have more than one thing and one of them is cancer, or that the cancer has spread to other parts of my body.

They all seem to say that Im young and there's nothing wrong and I'm anxious.
until one doctor said he finally heard a heart murmur after at least five said everything sounded normal and so referred me for an echo.

How do I know this is not the same situation. I've read storied about diseases like cancer being misdiagnosed and ignored in the young unless they push and push.

21-04-15, 12:32
Hi Alice,

Your symptoms do seem to be related to panic attacks or general anxiety disorders but you're right in that it is your body and if YOU don't feel yourself or that something is wrong then you should request further tests to rule out anything sinister. At best the tests such as the echo-cardiogram will show nothing is wrong which will bring you piece of mind, at worst if something is found, they can treat it.

I had an echo-cardiogram a few years back and it was a very reassuring experience as they spend a good 20-40 minutes monitoring everything to do with your heart and how it is behaving. Try to relax, nice deep breaths and I'm sure it will all be over soon and you can continue enjoying being a teenager.