View Full Version : lab results. Someone help me through this!

03-02-15, 02:00
In my panic of bowel/anal cancer I drove myself into a full on panic mode while at work. It doesn't help that I am an ER nurse and all I heard all day was history of cancer, history of rectal cancer etc. I checked my heart rate and blood pressure and I was through the roof. I got an EKG done and showed it to the dr who told me to clock out and he was going to work me up since my heart rate was over 130. My labs came back ok except my amylase which is a pancreas enzyme. I only know basics about it. He said it might be my braces that are since that enzyme is released with salivary glands also. Well I googled and all signs of elevated amylase is lung cancer, ovarian cancer (silent) and all sorts of other stuff.
I am so frightened. I keep thinking about my kids and how will they grow up without a mother or have to see me battle cancer and ultimately die? How I'll my husband suffer alone with two kids? How will my mother cope? Why didn't I buy life insurance? How will I pay medical bills?

03-02-15, 02:12
Hi Vida,

Maybe I can help you with this. First of all, please don't google. It will never ever help you, it will only make you more and more worried. One of the reasons why my health anxiety is out of control is compulsive googling. Although I have occasional relapses, I pretty much stopped googling.

Why do you think you have bowel cancer? Do you have blood in your stool? Do you have low hemoglobin levels? Do you have diarrhea?

Why do you think you have anal cancer? It is extremely rare.

If we google, any abnormal blood results could indicate horrible diseases. I had low ferritin and googled, and then I convinced myself I have bowel cancer. I pretty much accepted my fate before having a colonoscopy, it came back all clear.

03-02-15, 02:47
Thank you for replying. I've had anal itching, bright blood on TP and possible piles. I'm being evaluated tomorrow by my GP and then next week by GI doctor. I also had one dark NON TARRY stool last week. Havent had one since. I'm horribly scared about that eval. My lab work did not show low hemoglobin but of course it showed the elevated amylase. So now I'm in a panic about bowel cancer with Mets to lung or ovarian or vice versa.
I am trying to keep positive around my family but tears just flow down my cheeks when I see this lovely life I have.
Thanks again for your reply. I'm glad your tests came back clear.

03-02-15, 02:52
Can I ask how old you are? Bowel and anal cancer are very rare if you're younger than 50. Lung cancer is mostly associated with smoking and age. Chances are on your side.
One dark stool doesn't mean anything, especially considering your iron levels are normal. I don't think amylase levels are associated with bowel cancer. I did my research when I was scared of it and never read anything about it.

That dark stool is probably due to something you ate. I drank beet juice once and I thought I had rectal bleeding as it was all red down the toilet. I even went to A&E because of that.

I know how you feel as currently I have a neuro disease fears and cried like a baby today. I know how difficult this is. As I went through the same thing, just wanted you to know that you can message me anytime you want, I will do my best to help and reassure you.

03-02-15, 15:32
Hi again thank you again for replying. It helps to know someone understands where I am mentally. I'm 37 and i have a history of smoking. So I know that doesn't help. I have a dr appt today. I know that I will get no answered, no relief and he'll probably start lengthy studies and the wait game begins. Hopefully he'll give me something to take off the edge.
I too am available to talk and reassure you, though I haven't gone down the ALS path yet. Hugs!

03-02-15, 16:35
You're too young for both bowel cancer and lung cancer :) I used to smoke too. Thank you, please work on your anxiety until it starts controlling every aspect of your life. This is how I live now, don't go down that path, it is just too scary. Thank you and hugs to you too :)