View Full Version : Shingles and guess what... c word fears again!

03-02-15, 06:41
Hi guys

My itching got loads worse yesterday and I have been feeling so tired and I noticed blisters forming on my back and under my boob so I saw a Dr and was very surprised to be told I have shingles!

In a way, it has helped my HA as my biggest fear was that the itching was a sign of pancreatic cancer or lymphoma.

However, I have shingles in two places and this morning I have redness just under my eye which I am worried about. I have Googled (I wish I hadn't) and I am anxious now about the possibility of having shingles under my eye as apparently that is serious.

I am going to call the surgery when they open at 8:30 but I feel so ill, tired, achy and sick. Absolutely terrified I have an underlying condition that has caused the virus to reactivate (basically they said if you have chicken pox as a kid the virus can lie dormant in your system then reactivate at a later time)

I Googled and apparently sometimes if you have lymphoma is can cause the virus to activate! Really scared :(

Luckily my boyfriend is off for a few days so can come to any appointments with me, but I am really worrying. I am reluctant to go to the doctors as I feel quite poorly now and very weak and I am worried going there and having a melt down is just going to make me feel worse.

Also I have been given anti viral medication to take but I am scared to take it cause of the side effects! I know that is ridiculous and I need to take it.

Just got myself really worked up this morning. My eye is really starting to itch now and I am really frightened.

Any support would be appreciated, sorry to go on...


03-02-15, 11:52
Still really worrying about this, has anyone else had shingles? What was your experience of it?

I am worried I have passed on the chicken pox virus to people and this is making me more and more anxious :(

I am worried I have cancer and my immunity is low and that is why the virus has come out! I am also worried as my eye is a bit itchy and it looks like it could be round my eye too which would mean I have it in three places now :(

Any comfort or advice would be really appreciated, feel really worried and low. xxx

03-02-15, 12:28
Where do you find these things on the internet? Please stop googling now! My mum had shingles and the doctor said hers was the worst case he's ever seen. Probably stress triggered it as she was under a lot of stress. She got better and doesn't have lymphoma or any other cancer. She's always always itchy like me.

By the way itching from pancreatic cancer is caused by jaundice so unless you're yellow, it's not the cause of it. Lymphoma itch feels like it's coming from under your skin, it's a very deep down itch. If your itching on the surface of your skin, it's probably allergies. Xx

03-02-15, 16:00
Anxiety makes your immunity low too remember :)

Take your anti-virals and get some rest, also what popejoan says, stop Googling! Read a book or start a hobby or something... or just sleep! I know it's hard, but just try and say to yourself - I have shingles, I will treat my shingles, and the reason I have it is just pot luck, probably I stood too close to some kid with chicken pox and the virus took it upon itself to flare up because I was feeling run down through anxiety... - Don't connect other things to it, just let your immune system concentrate on getting rid of that virus by following the docs advice. You will feel better soon :)

03-02-15, 17:30
Where do you find these things on the internet? Please stop googling now! My mum had shingles and the doctor said hers was the worst case he's ever seen. Probably stress triggered it as she was under a lot of stress. She got better and doesn't have lymphoma or any other cancer. She's always always itchy like me.

By the way itching from pancreatic cancer is caused by jaundice so unless you're yellow, it's not the cause of it. Lymphoma itch feels like it's coming from under your skin, it's a very deep down itch. If your itching on the surface of your skin, it's probably allergies. Xx

Definitely wish I hadn't Googled... really wish I could just stop, it's like a compulsion, as soon as I have the thought or worry, I reach for my phone or laptop and start searching away.

I am worried because I have it in two places and I think I am starting with it on my face too (going to call the Dr tomorrow) I am worried I have cancer because I read online that certain cancers make you more likely to get it.

The Dr told me shingles is the chicken pox virus (I had as a kid) but even though the spots go the actual virus stays in your system but is supressed by your immune system. Sometimes the virus can come out but when it does it comes out as shingles.

I have read online that it can be caused by stress, physical trauma or underlying autoimmune disorders or cancer so that's why I am worrying. I also read that if its more than dermatone (they told me yesterday I have two) its more serious and now I think I have a third load of blisters on my face so really worrying.

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

Anxiety makes your immunity low too remember :)

Take your anti-virals and get some rest, also what popejoan says, stop Googling! Read a book or start a hobby or something... or just sleep! I know it's hard, but just try and say to yourself - I have shingles, I will treat my shingles, and the reason I have it is just pot luck, probably I stood too close to some kid with chicken pox and the virus took it upon itself to flare up because I was feeling run down through anxiety... - Don't connect other things to it, just let your immune system concentrate on getting rid of that virus by following the docs advice. You will feel better soon :)

Really do need to take my mind off it but I really struggle as I am constantly using my phone to Google. I am really really worried because of what I have read and also I think it is going to get worse. Had today off work and going to have tomorrow of too and see how I feel. The rash is very itchy and painful and I feel achy and tired, bit fluey.

03-02-15, 17:39
Honey, my mum is 54 years old, she had shingles few months ago, she like at least 20 years older than you. The chances of her having underlying cancer are higher than yours but her shingles disappeared and she is healthy and I know this because she gets checked once a year.

03-02-15, 17:53
Honey, my mum is 54 years old, she had shingles few months ago, she like at least 20 years older than you. The chances of her having underlying cancer are higher than yours but her shingles disappeared and she is healthy and I know this because she gets checked once a year.

Thanks hun. You know how it is though, once the idea is in my head it is hard to shake it. Gonna have a relaxing night with no gadgets or laptops/phones later as I need a break from all the Googling.

Feel really low and run down. I think it must have been stress that caused the shingles to come out. I have never had it before though so I am scared. I am worried as I have a few blisters near my eye now so I will have to call a dr tomorrow. Just had enough of all this.

Fingers crossed it clears up soon. Hope all is well with you hun xx

03-02-15, 17:57
I'm feeling better today but still super worried about that neuro disease. My left finger hurts as I've been doing strength tests for days now. I can't open the bathroom door with my left finger (yes finger) and it's freaking me out, my right hand is my dominant hand but this fact doesn't even help so yes, I know how it is. I had enough of all this too, just need a break. The lump sensation has been worse lately I think my stress level are sky high.

It's a good idea, googling has never helped any of us. Best is to ask a doctor and you will do that. I'm sure your shingles has nothing to do with cancer.

Take care xx

03-02-15, 19:56
Hey Hun , my Dad had shingles over 15 years ago I remember it well because he looked like he had been in a fight with frank Bruno . His whole left side of his face including his eye was swollen and red and covered in blister spots. The top of his scalp was a mess and he would scratch until he bled.
Now the moral I guess to this is this was 15 years ago and my dad lived to be 84 he died of a heart attack my love . So please try not to worry they told us it was down to amount of stress he was under with his depression at the time .

03-02-15, 20:35
my 9 year old had shingles in 2 places in may i took her to the doctors cos like you i was worried why she had got them & she said it is just one of those things & nothing to worry about, she said people with cancer tend to get it when their cancer is quite advanced & they are very poorly. I would try & rest & recover from it & not worry about underlying reasons why you may have got it, i'm sure it's just one of them things.

03-02-15, 23:43
My son who is in his early twenties and really healthy had shingles last year and my sister in law had it a few months ago. It's really just random. My mum had the worst sort in the optic nerve but got over it fine. Anyone who has ever had chicken pox can get it at any time of their lives and you can't pass it on unless they actually physically touch your blisters and then only to someone who has never has chickenpox. X

04-02-15, 00:32
I'm feeling better today but still super worried about that neuro disease. My left finger hurts as I've been doing strength tests for days now. I can't open the bathroom door with my left finger (yes finger) and it's freaking me out, my right hand is my dominant hand but this fact doesn't even help so yes, I know how it is. I had enough of all this too, just need a break. The lump sensation has been worse lately I think my stress level are sky high.

It's a good idea, googling has never helped any of us. Best is to ask a doctor and you will do that. I'm sure your shingles has nothing to do with cancer.

Take care xx

Bless you hun. I really understand what you are going through, you know you can PM me any time you like - I am able to check my messages quite frequently. Really hope things get better for you soon.

Yeah Googling is just the worst, I've been at it again tonight even though I promised myself I wouldn't! :shrug:


---------- Post added at 00:27 ---------- Previous post was at 00:25 ----------

Hey Hun , my Dad had shingles over 15 years ago I remember it well because he looked like he had been in a fight with frank Bruno . His whole left side of his face including his eye was swollen and red and covered in blister spots. The top of his scalp was a mess and he would scratch until he bled.
Now the moral I guess to this is this was 15 years ago and my dad lived to be 84 he died of a heart attack my love . So please try not to worry they told us it was down to amount of stress he was under with his depression at the time .

Thanks for your reply hun, really appreciate it. I am sorry you lost your Dad to a heart attack - but I am glad to hear he got over his shingles when he had it, sounds like he had a nasty case of it too. Bless you and thanks so much for replying to me, been so worried sick all day long - all these replies have helped me loads xx

---------- Post added at 00:28 ---------- Previous post was at 00:27 ----------

my 9 year old had shingles in 2 places in may i took her to the doctors cos like you i was worried why she had got them & she said it is just one of those things & nothing to worry about, she said people with cancer tend to get it when their cancer is quite advanced & they are very poorly. I would try & rest & recover from it & not worry about underlying reasons why you may have got it, i'm sure it's just one of them things.

Thanks Pinky, that has really helped me to read that. Been in such a mess tonight worrying. So good to know I have a place I can come and talk to people about my worries. Thanks again xx

---------- Post added at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:28 ----------

My son who is in his early twenties and really healthy had shingles last year and my sister in law had it a few months ago. It's really just random. My mum had the worst sort in the optic nerve but got over it fine. Anyone who has ever had chicken pox can get it at any time of their lives and you can't pass it on unless they actually physically touch your blisters and then only to someone who has never has chickenpox. X

Thanks for your reply xx

I have it in three/four places, two patches now on my back, a patch under my boob and a patch under my eye. The patch by my eye only came up today my eye is itching and burning now so going to the drs first things.

Have set my mind at rest reading all the replies here and not gonna worry about it being an underlying condition.

I do think its due to me having anxiety and I also have a vitamin d deficiency and have only just started tablets for that so perhaps my immunity was low anyway?

Itching like you wouldn't believe, the patch under my boob is the worst - god knows how I am gonna cope putting a bra on in the morning, might just let it all hang out eh! :roflmao::shades:

I am worried now about scarring too. I am very self conscious as it is and if I end up with scarring its just another blow isn't it, especially if its on my face. Sorry if that sounds shallow.


04-02-15, 00:47
Bless you hun. I really understand what you are going through, you know you can PM me any time you like - I am able to check my messages quite frequently. Really hope things get better for you soon.

Yeah Googling is just the worst, I've been at it again tonight even though I promised myself I wouldn't! :shrug:


Thanks hun, I will pm you and you can pm me whenever you want as well. I'll do my best to help and reassure you. Hugs xx

04-02-15, 10:01
Much less worried about it all today... still itching and it is painful but I don't think I have it in my eye like I did yesterday. It is a bit sore round there and I think there is a chance it could be, but I am on the anti viral drugs anyway so even if it is, I am getting the right treatment.

Not worrying about underlying causes now :) everyone who has replied has helped reassure me, thanks so much.

Just wish the itching would stop and not especially thrilled about having nasty scabs all over my torso! Going on holiday end of April and don't really want any scarring. Sorry if that's vain xxx

04-02-15, 14:38
It's great news :) I'm glad you're feeling better :) Was it Turkey you were going to? I'll probably be there too xxx

05-02-15, 11:05
It's great news :) I'm glad you're feeling better :) Was it Turkey you were going to? I'll probably be there too xxx

Thanks hun, yeah off to Turkey end of April - will have to give you a wave :yesyes:

Started feeling much worse yesterday afternoon :weep: severe pain under ribs (mostly on the same side as the rash) and lower back pain. Very itchy, sore and headachy.

Worried cause last night I had night sweats twice. Hoping its down to the shingles but of course I am worrying over lymphoma again :weep:

Off work 'til next week as I feel dreadful. Got no energy and just feel totally run down and exhausted. Was in so much pain last night all I could do was get into bed, felt like crying. Just feel really low with it.

This is all down to the shingles right? Has anyone else had night sweats with shingles or known of it?

Surely if I had lymphoma I would have other symptoms and it would have shown up on the full blood count blood test I had a few weeks ago?

Trying not to freak out and avoiding Google today. Just feel really teary and pathetic. My boyfriend has to go out to work at 12pm and won't be back 'til about 9:30pm and I am scared of being on my own. He has been with me the last two days bless him and has been so good to me.

Really hope someone can reassure me xxx

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

Really panicking now as the surgery called me back and want to see me this afternoon! I only wanted to be prescribed some stronger painkillers.

In a real funk now cause my BF will be on his way to work so can't come with me. I hate going to the Drs on my own and I am worried I will have a melt down.

So scared it is going to be a case of more blood tests and they will be worried I might have Lymphoma due to the night sweats and all the pain :(

Really worried, if someone could help calm me down I would really appreciated it, sorry


05-02-15, 11:06
Night sweats are common when you are sick, AND are also common with anxiety. I know it's super hard being ill when you are anxious anyway, get as much rest as you can, and try and take your mind off other stuff by reading a book or watching some tv - ideally something funny, and perhaps with a lot of episodes to get sucked into until your bf gets home! (If you have netflix, am loving Community at the mo!) Hope you feel better soon x

05-02-15, 11:09
Thanks hun, I do have Netflix so when I am back from the Drs I am going to get stuck into something, laptop off, just relaxation.

Just so worried about what the Dr will say. I feel really really poorly so I am worried they will want to investigate further to see if there is an underlying cause.

05-02-15, 11:35
Try and trust the doctor hun, they know what they are doing. take some notes about what he/she says to you and you can check back on it later if you find yourself getting anxious again. x

05-02-15, 11:41
Thanks, I will trust what they say. Just so nervous though, worried they will be concerned and want me to have more tests - that is my biggest fear about going today.

My shingles rash isn't actually that bad, its just the pain and symptoms I am getting with it. I am worried that they will want to do more blood tests and I have such a fear of having some form of cancer, especially lymphoma.

Feel terrible cause my Mom is in a state at the moment (shes not long got over breast cancer and has several health problems) and is worried about a family member at the moment and I want to be strong for her.

Had a shower and got dressed and going up the doctors in about 40 mins. Dreading it and wish so much my BF could be there. He is so good at calming me down but I worry sometimes I rely on him too much xx

05-02-15, 11:52
Yes, give me a wave if you're going to Marmaris :) Don't worry about lymphoma, you would have much more symptoms, specifically hard fixed enlarged lymph nodes. I must say even this doesn't mean it's lymphoma. Sorry about your mum, hope nothing is serious. Goodl luck with the doctors xx

05-02-15, 12:02
It's probably just to check that what they have prescribed is working for you. Good luck x

05-02-15, 14:19
Hi guys

Thanks so much for reassuring me *hugs* it really helped as I was so nervous about seeing the doctor today.

I have just got home, the doctor did not seem overly concerned at all :) I told him I was in pain and about the night sweating and he said its all part of shingles. He said ordinary pain killers aren't very effective with shingles pain as its nerve pain, but he has prescribed me pregabalin which is an anti convulsant to help ease the nerve pain.

He has signed of off work for a week but said if I feel better I can go back sooner.

Feeling anxious about being off work now and having to ring my boss up! :( good news though is the anxiety I was feeling this morning over my shingles has totally eased off.

I am going to totally trust what the dr said. He said himself if I had something else wrong it would have shown on my blood test results so I am going to hold onto that thought.

Feeling really determined to kick my HA's butt now! Might write some stuff down today :)


05-02-15, 17:18
Glad to hear it snowflake! Now, rest up and get better :)