View Full Version : horrible sensation while driving in snow leaving me anxious

03-02-15, 08:56
Okthus may sound stupid but it's making me very anxious so please advise, while driving in snow this morning I was in traffic Que,every time I drive forward if I looked at snow covered bonnet I had horrible sensation of car moving backwards ! I'm home now but can't put it out of my mind my eyes feel strained and I can't let it rest 😨

03-02-15, 17:14
Okay, American alert - what is a bonnet? :)

The snow does crazy things to your vision. It's so very bright even when it doesn't seem to be that it can cause headaches, eye strain, I've even felt dizzy just walking around on a bright day in the snow before.

Try not to fret over it too much. Maybe take a nap with a cool cloth over your eyes (always makes mine feel better when they're strained) or a hot shower. :)

03-02-15, 17:39
Okay, American alert - what is a bonnet? :)

A bonnet is a hood, I think thats what you call it.... the front part of the car that covers the engine.

03-02-15, 18:34
Okay, American alert - what is a bonnet? :)

Hood = bonnet (you put a hood over your head, a bonnet is too heavy for these purposes)

Trunk = boot (because it's not made out of wood)

Stick-shift = manual (because autos are for old ladies)

Sidewalk = pavement (because it's not necesserily at the side, and it's paved)

Wing = spoiler (because the wings are at the front sides)

Fender = bumper (because you bump things with it, if you fended them you wouldn't need a bloody bumper)

Gas = petrol (it's a bloody liquid!!!)

Parking brake = handbrake (because you don't only use it when parking)

Windshield = windscreen (it's made out of glass)

Front wing = splitter (remember, the wings are at the front sides)

Any more that need translating let me know.

03-02-15, 18:58
Hood = bonnet (you put a hood over your head, a bonnet is too heavy for these purposes)

Trunk = boot (because it's not made out of wood)

Stick-shift = manual (because autos are for old ladies)

Sidewalk = pavement (because it's not necesserily at the side, and it's paved)

Wing = spoiler (because the wings are at the front sides)

Fender = bumper (because you bump things with it, if you fended them you wouldn't need a bloody bumper)

Gas = petrol (it's a bloody liquid!!!)

Parking brake = handbrake (because you don't only use it when parking)

Windshield = windscreen (it's made out of glass)

Front wing = splitter (remember, the wings are at the front sides)

Any more that need translating let me know.

Ah, thank you. :D

Over here, we put both hoods and bonnets on our heads, but yes, we generally call the front of the car the hood.

To the OP - I still think the snow was just messing with your eyes, accompanied by stress. Try to relax and I wouldn't worry.